Chapter 18

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Cori sat on the couch in the Cullen house the next day , waiting for her boyfriend to get off school, and soon enough she got her wish, just not quite how she wanted. Edward stormed into the house, spotting Cori first off, sitting down next to her he let out a huff. "What happened Edward?" Cori asked entwining her hand with his, a small smile coming to his face.

"Bella tried to corner me about what happened with the accident. I told her it was an adrenaline rush, and she looked at me like I was crazy, I eventually told her that we shouldn't be friends." Edward said, grimacing at the last part as Cori threw a glare at him.

"You told her what?" Cori hissed, her arms flailing. "I could hurt her Cori!" Edward shouted. "You could hurt me, but you haven't! That's the whole reason you left was to get better control! You don't get to just shit her out at the first sight of a possible struggle!" Cori hissed her anger flaring at the boy.

"I don't have you to help me Cori!" Edward pleaded with his girlfriend, begging her to understand. "You seemed to do perfectly fine getting along with me. Just turn on the Edward charm and you should have no problem." Cori said with a cheeky smile and Edward smirked at her with a wink.

"My so called Edward charm worked on you?" Edward asked. "Of course it did, still does sometimes." Cori said with a smirk, "you need to try to smooth this over, with me not in school I can't really help. I could possibly swing by her house, to visit, I need to ask Chief Swan about then program anyway." "Sounds like a plan." Edward said. The phone rang and Esme picked it up quickly. "Cullen Residence." "Hello Jonas, how are you." "I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to speak with her?" Esme asked and nodded waving the girl over.

"Hi dad." Cori said. "Hey Carrot top, unfortunately I've got to take off on Friday so I'll be by before I leave." Jonas said and Cori nodded. "Okay. I'm sad you have to leave so quick, but you will come back right?" Cori asked with a since of hope, one that made the two vampires in the room look at her in pity. "Of course Cori. I will do better. I promise." He dad said and she smiled. "Okay I'll see you later then dad." She said and hung up soon after.


It was Thursday, two days before the weekend, and Edward kept watching Bella, waiting for the right time to talk to her. Cori was getting impatient with him. He saw Bella travel to the salad bar and took his opportunity.

"Hello." He said and Bella dropped her apple in surprise, Edward catching it with his supernatural skill. "Uh- thanks. How's Lia?" Bella asked. "She is doing alright healing up better ever day." He said and a sigh of relief came from the girl, then a pause.

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened?" Bella asked. "I would like to hear your theory's." Edward said with a smirk. " I have considered radioactive spiders and Kryptonite." "That's all superhero stuff, what if I'm the bad guy?" Edward said. "I don't believe that, obviously neither does Cori. I can see through it, like a mask." Bella said, then thought, "Why don't you come to the beach with us? You could bring Cori, it would get her some fresh air. You know what they say, waves sooth the soul or something like that." Bella said half hazardly with a laugh, and Edward joined her with a chuckle, causing the brunette to blush. "Which beach?" Edward asked. "Lu Push." Bella said and Edward grimaced. "Is there something wrong with that beach?" Bella asked.

"It just a bit crowded. I'll see if Cori wants to go. I can have her call you if you would like." Edward said. "Yeah that would be great actually." Bella said jotting her number on a scrap piece of paper. "Hope to hear from you, or her." Bella said as she turned back towards her friends a blushing mess.


The end of the school day had come to a close and Edward was excited to get back to the house. Not only to see Cori, but also tell her of the trip. He was worried as Jessica would be joining, but he know she could protect herself as well. It also would help that Cori had friends, more like one friend on the reservation. Jonas Austin and Joshua Uley were friends growing up making Cori and Sam friends. Sam was like a big brother to Cori and Edward knew that even with shifting that protective nature would still be there.

"Cori!" Edward said rushing into the house. "Yes Eddie? What's the big rush?" Cori said spotting the excited look on her boyfriends face. "Bella and her friends are going on a trip down to the reservation to surf and whale watch. Bella invited you, and I got her number so you two could talk. I know you have been wanting to go over and see Sam, you can make it a kind of date as well if you wanted. Get to know her." Edward said. "Of course! Carlisle also said that I should be able to get back to school in a few days. I'll probably start back on Monday." "That's great news!" Edward said twirling Cori around in a hug.

"Your gonna make the human sick." Cori huffed out and a loud laugh was heard from upstairs, aka Emmett. Quickly putting her down Cori got her sense of balance back, looking at Edward. "You gonna just stand there like a statue or give me her number?" Cori said and Edward hurriedly fumbled with the small piece of paper the number was scribbled on. "Thanks!" She said kissing Edward on the cheek walking up the stairs to their shared bedroom.

Cori quickly pressed the numbers into her phone and waited until she heard the device dial. "Hello?" "Hi Bella!" Cori cheered getting a chuckle from not only the girl on the other side of the phone, but from her boyfriend that had joined her in the room.

"Hi Lia! How are you doing?" Bella asked. "Pretty good. Carlisle said I will be able to go to school on Monday with hopefully no problems!" Cori cheered. "That's amazing! I'm glad your feeling better!" Bella said. "Me to! Edward told me about your invite. I would love to go with you! Edward is not a fan of crowded places, so he probably won't go, but I definitely will! I've got friends down there I want to see too!" Cori said adamantly.

"Awesome!  It's going to be on Saturday and we are meeting at Mikes parents shop at noon then heading out." Bella said. "Great thanks. Edward is not a good note taker. I had no info. My dad is leaving on Friday and I wanted to make sure it wasn't happening after school." Cori said and Bella shook her head then realized Cori couldn't see her. "Nope its on Saturday. Why is he leaving?" Bella asked. "Oh he works in Seattle, he is an artist." "So that's where you get it!" Bella said.

"You've seen my artwork?" Cori asked. "Yeah, Alice brought in one of her that you had done one day last week. It was really good!" Bella said and Cori flushed.

"Thanks, well I will probably come by your house at around 11:30, then if we want to grab something to eat, we can. If you want to send me your address by text that would be great. Edward can't remember to take notes, and I do but I lose them." Cori said laughing and her boyfriend playfully glared at her from across the bed.

"Yeah totally." Bella said. "I'll see you on Saturday then!" Cori said and hung up after getting a "bye" from Bella. Cori turned to look at Edward and saw him smiling. Cori let out a little squeal of excitement as she danced in her spot. Now all she had to do was wait until Saturday.

A/N: How do you expect this beach date to go? Thoughts? Let me know down in the comments!

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