Chapter 11

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Cori called Edwards cell phone repeatedly for an hour, but of course she got no response. "He will be fine Cori." Alice said rubbing the girls arm. "He is out there alone. What if he stops feeding? What if he gets attacked by a nomad? What if he never comes back!" Cori cried as she looked at Alice with tears in her eyes.

"If anything happens I will see it and we will handle it." Alice said feeling sympathy for the girl. She knew being away from your mate was taxing. Alice knew as soon as he made the decision was made, Cori would drive herself crazy, that was how Cori was. Was Cori dependent on Edward. No. Did she crave him because of the bond and the happiness he provided her. Yes. Cori was possessive over the things that were hers, and Edward was one of those things. She wanted to make sure he was happy, safe, and in her arms, and right now, he wasn't.


The week had dragged by slowly with out Edward. Cori seemed to cling to Alice and Jasper, as she was closer to the two, but also if Alice had a vision, she would be the first to know.

Cori's friends were worried. Not only had Cori never been without Edward, but she was also pulling away from them.

Angela was the most worried, the next being Mike. They knew the girl the best. Yes Jess is her friend, once her best friend, but since the girls had drifted apart, Jessica had started to care less and become more jealous of her "friend". Mike knew how much Cori loved Edward, quite literally loved him. They belonged together, he knew that much. Angela would cast the girl sad gazes as she seemed lost without her boyfriend. She knew the looks wouldn't help, but she was too afraid that bringing up the boy would set off a title wave of emotions.

The Cullens were the most concerned though. They lived with her, saw how she was without the presence of others. Cori hid her self away unless it was to eat, go to school, or if Alice had a vision, in which she would rush to the pixie haired girl hoping to gain a shred of information.


Cori gasped the same time Alice did and she felt a pull inside of her. "He's coming back!" Both girls said and then looked at each other with smiles. Three hours later the Cullens plus Cori were sitting in the living room waiting. The Cullens smiled at Cori as she hummed one of Edwards songs that he loved to play on the piano subconsciously, and she drew half hazardously.

Jasper could feel the hope in her swell as her head popped up seconds before they heard his foot steps. The Cullens stood up slightly hiding Cori from his sight. They were upset that Edward had hurt Cori. Some like Esme and Carlisle knew he meant well when he left, but was saddened by the way in which he did.

Edward appeared in the doorway quickly. "Son, your back." Carlisle said embracing him quickly as Esme was right behind him. Edward was happy that his family excepted him back but was more worried about why he didn't see Cori anywhere.

He could hear her heartbeat in the house, but couldn't see her as his eyes searched for her figure intently. "Cori?" He asked his parents and Jasper and Rosalie moved aside to show Cori with tears in her eyes.

He rushed to her swooping her up in a large hug whispering apologies. He put her down and she pulled him into a kiss, then pulling back and slapping him, trying to hide her wince of pain from the action. "Do you know how worried I've been?" She asked rhetorically, not actually wanting him to answer the question as it would only file her anger at him.

"I'm fine Cori. Alice would have seen if something would have happened." Edward said but apparently that was the wrong thing to say. Cori's eyes flared as she glared at him. "I called you. Do you know how to answer a phone Edward?" Cori hissed and Edward stayed quiet. Tears clouded her angry eyes and Edwards heart broke at the sight. "We're you trying to avoid me?" She asked and his mouth dropped open in surprise at the question. "Of course not Cordelia. I would never. I just figured Alice would fill you in." Edward said.

"Call me skeptical for when you decided to leave, I wasn't informed. I thought we make decisions together Edward, even rash ones, even ones where I'm not going. So I'm sorry if I thought other parts of our relationship may have been falling apart as well." Cori cried as she ran up to their shared room and slammed the door.

Jasper looked between his brother and where is best friend and felt his anger flare. "Fix this." He hissed before dashing from the room out to the forest. Edward looked towards his father figure only to be met with a look of agreement. "You decided this on your own son, you now have to deal with the consequences." Carlisle said wrapping his arm around Esme and walking to the kitchen. The rest of siblings dispersed as Edward hung his head trying to figure out how to fix what he caused.


Cori was inside of their room with her ear buds in, drawing the landscape that she could see from her seat on the bed. A knock came from the door but Cori didn't hear it, concentrating on the scene in front of her. "Cori?" Edward asked opening the door and coming into the room. Hearing the music blasting from her ear buds, he carefully entered, knowing how her temper could flare, and he hated to fight with her. Cori noticed movement and jumped, pulling out a ear bud. "Hey." Cori whispered. "Hello." Edward said quietly. "Did you want anything or are you just going to stand there and look at me?" Cori asked. "I wanted to talk." Edward said. "Well unlike you Edward I am all ears." Cori snarked. Edward forced back his eye roll.

"Listen I'm sorry Cori. I was trying to protect Bella and you in the long run. I know it was a stupid decision, and I should have asked you, talked to you, because we are a team. Your opinion matters to me Cordelia. And I'm so sorry that I ever made you feel like it didn't. You along with Bella, when she becomes a part of our relationship, are the most important things to me. Nothing else matters but you two." Edward said.

"I appreciate you telling me that but an apology doesn't fix anything until your actions speak for your words. You are correct in one thing though. We are supposed to be a team, we talk to each other and we make decisions together, even if they are hard ones, and fast paced. That was what I was most mad about, why didn't you talk to me?" Cori asked. "I was afraid. I was afraid that my bloodlust for Bella would make me turn on you and I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you." Edward said. "Then tell me that Edward! Voice your concerns! I wouldn't have mattered if it was in passing, or if it was in a family meeting. I just needed to make sure you were okay and when we don't talk, I don't know if you are or not. I can't read your mind Edward." Cori said arms flailing.

Edward sped over pulling Cori into his arms. "I know. I know." Edward said with her pressed into his chest. "I was so afraid you were never going to come back." Cori whispered after a bit. Edward just held her tighter. "I'm sorry." Edward said knowing her abandonment issues. "It's okay." She whispered. " No Cori it's not. I knew how this would affect you and I took off anyway. I can never take that back. I'm so sorry." Edward said kissing he on her forehead, peppering her face with kisses until he reached her lips. Edward kissed her feverishly trying to express his apology though the action.

He pulled back only to be met with a smile and a giggle from Cori. "I only have one request." Cori said. "Anything." Edward said. "Next time I call you, answer your damn phone." Cori said kissing his cheek and walking out the room.

A/N: Cori and Edward had their first real fight, ( that we know of). How do you think it went. Should she of acted differently? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin