Chapter 37

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"They were leaving, then they heard us." Alice said as Edward reached both girls. "They as in-" "Yeah." Edward told her, already knowing what she was asking.

He had told her of the one in a thousand percent chance of the nomads doubling back and finding them, but if Alice saw it, it was a possibility that he wanted her to be aware of them, it wasn't her first time dealing with nomads.

"Let's go." Edward told the girls, Edward grasping Bella's arm. "Edward, wait! What are you doing!" Cori asked as she tried to follow them, but he didn't respond. "Edward!" She yelled out, breathing heavy, as Carlisle came to stand next to her. "It's too late." The elder said as he knew where his mind was going, "Too late? You were gonna try to leave?We can't outrun them." Cori told him. "I can get you two away from here though. Bella's not like you Cordelia!" Edward told her.

Trying to think of ways to confuse their scents, Edward was drawing a blank as the voices were ringing in his head, along with his panic that was rising. "Put your hair down." Cori told Bella, helping her get the band out of her hair. "Like that'll help. I can smell her from across the field." Rosalie said hatefully. "Piss off Rose." Cori bit back. "Around your neck. There you go." She told her as they got her situated.

"Give me your jacket." Cori told the brunette, as Bella peeled it off in a hurry, the other Cullens watching in fascination. Running over, throwing the jackets behind a rock, the brunette furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?" "We were the only ones wearing jackets. Now your clothes can air out." Cori told her and she nodded, Carlisle smiling at Cori in appreciation.

As the nomads entered the other side of the field, Edward held the girls back as the Cullen's made a wall. "I shouldn't have brought you here. Either of you. I'm so sorry." "Eddi, I love you, but we can apologize later." Cori told him, moving the two forward, though still staying slightly in front of Bella. "What's happening?" Bella asked. "Nomads." Cori replied stiffly.

Cori wanted to see if Carlisle's friend's research was correct. Was she obscured? Could she made herself practically invisible if she tried hard enough? Would the nomads pick up on her? Was she that different?

The nomads had stopped, fearing of getting any closer due to the large size of the coven they had come upon. Cori looked at them as much as she could. She couldn't see much, but what she could see was that one was blond, one was dark headed, and one was red headed.

The vampires stood tall, their mates next to them, not wanting to be different, Cori copied. She stood tall next to Edward, taking his hand in hers, Bella lightly shorter than her, cowered slightly in their presence, but Cori wasn't going to give them that power over her.

"I believe this belongs to you." The seemed to be leader said as he held up Rosalie's ball. Throwing it, Carlisle caught it with one hand, examining it quickly as he looked back towards the trio. "Thank you." "I am Laurent, and this is Victoria, and James." Laurent told the coven and Cori's eyes flickered over to Victoria.

"She is a red head like your mother. I guess I have a type. She is beautiful, almost unnaturally beautiful, I don't know why she would ever be with me. She works all over the place like your mom, with her partner, but she always comes back. Her name is Vicky, short for Victoria, and I think I love her."

The flashback of her father's words rung in her ears. "I'm Carlisle. This is my family. My wife Esme. Jasper, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, Bella, and Cordelia." Carlisle replied. At the last name, the redheads eyes snapped to Cori, finding blue ones already locked onto her. Victoria smirked and a chill went down Cori's spine as she tightened her hold on Edward's hand.

"Hello." Laurent spoke as he looked at every single person. "I'm afraid your hunting activities has caused something of a mess for us." "Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent told them. "Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby. We run the Olympic Peninsula. " Carlisle told them. "Including Seattle." Cori cut in, making the three look at her, noticing her blue eyes for the first time, eyes that stood out amongst the rest, as Edward squeezed her hand in warning. All three nomads narrowed their eyes as they silently look in a breath, trying to focus on the girl, but came up with nothing. Their interests were perked, but there were bigger things at play at the moment.

Laurent seemed surprised, turning to his own coven members. "Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through." He told them. Cori noticed James eyes flickering between the three of them, then eventually just settling on Edward. "The humans were tracking us, but we lead them east. You should be safe." She said with a hint of mocking in her tone that made Cori want to set her on fire. "Excellent." Carlisle told them, acting appropriately, hoping that the altercation could be ended, but Laurent spoke again.

"So, could you use three more players?" The Cullens all looked to Carlisle as he made his decision, his face stone cold, one that actually frightened Cori just a small bit. "Oh come on. Just one game." Laurent said, hoping his chances would improve. Carlisle sighed, a small smile coming to his face as he looked to Edward, Bella, and Cori. "Sure. Why not. A few of us were leaving. You could take their places. We'll bat first." Carlisle said and this was Cori's que to step back, ready to make her way to the jeep.

Carlisle threw the ball, but Victoria caught it. "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball." She said, a smirk on her face. "Well, I think we can handle that." Jasper said jokingly, keeping their attention, enough to where Cori and Bella had started to the Jeep. "We shall see." Victoria said softly, turning to follow Laurent, but James kept his eyes on Edward. "Come on Eddie, we're gonna be late." Cori called over her shoulder, trying to pull Edward away, while also trying not to shudder from the cold winds. Looking back she saw the two vampires were still at a stand off. "Edward!" She called, snapping his eyes to her. "Come on." She said a bit more forcefully, "I know we can't freeze, but if you stand there any longer you're going to." She told him.

"I would go." James told Edward, nodding his head towards the redhead. "Sounds like she's in a hurry. Don't want to be late." He said, a smirk on his face as his thoughts ran wild.

As James went to turn away, the wind picked up, brushing Bella's and Cori's hair to the side, making the blond vampire stop. "You brought a snack.... And a show." He said. As he kept his almost black eyes on Bella, only flickering over to Cori a few time.

Cordelia pushed Bella behind her, the Cullens making a line in front of them. The vampires snarled at the opposite side, Carlisle jumping in front of Edward who would have started a war between them if he wasn't careful. Bella's face was nothing but sheer terror and panic.

"A human?" Laurent asked looking at Bella, his eyes then flickering over to Cori. His eyes widened slightly as her blue ones glared at him, then vanished for just a second, before reappearing.

"The girls are with us. I think it best if you leave." Carlisle threatened lightly. He himself didn't want to start a fight, but to protect a part of his family, he would. Laurent weighed his options, determining it was not worth it, he took a step back. "I can see the game is over. We'll go now." He said as he again stepped back, separating himself from the other two. "James." He called as the man stood, Victoria quick to make her way to his side.

The Cullen's watched as they left. "Get Bella and Cori out of here." Carlisle told Edward, only to look back, and find Bella looking around frantically. "Where did she go! Where's Cori?"

A/N: The first look into Cori's powers!!!

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin