Chapter 32

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"Jasper?" Alice asked as she found him looking out the window of the front door, to see Cori sat by herself on the concrete steps. "What's going on?" Alice asked worried for her friend. "I'm not sure. She said she didn't want to talk about it." Jasper told his wife. "You're the best with emotions honey. I think it's your time to shine." She told him, and with a kiss to the cheek, she was gone.

"Here goes nothing." He said quietly. Opening the door, he stepped out, Cori's eyes flitted over to him, but then just focused back on the concrete. "I don't want to talk." She told him. "That's okay. We don't have to. Sometimes I like to sit on the stairs, in the cold, and stare off into the trees too." This brought a small smile to her face that Jasper could see from the side of his eye.

It was quiet for a bit, until she started to open up. "Rose was right." "She had a temper tantrum." Jasper corrected. "Doesn't mean she wasn't right. Carlisle found something that says I'm dangerous. We don't even fully know what I am. Am I human? Am I not? Rose was right. I've been putting you all in danger." "Stop." Jasper said, and she did.

"Rosalie is mad because she didn't get her way. We are still, by a landslide, a greater threat to you than you are to us. You are something special Cori, that means if the Volturi did find out about you, they would be more interested than anything. Bella is a slightly different story, but you. Consider yourself on if the world's many wonders. You've been with us for two years and have done nothing to hurt anything or anyone. You're not a danger to us Cori."

"What about Alice's visions?" "What about them?" He asked. "I'm not in them. Maybe there's a reason for that." "Cori. I know this stems from something much bigger, but you belong with us. How ever much it may annoy some of us. You belong with Edward, and with Bella. You make him better, happier, you make all of us better." "But-" "No buts. We're not going anywhere. Edward and Bella aren't going anywhere." He told her as tears blurred her vision. Jasper brought her into a hug and she cried.

Edward and Bella watched from above, Bella's mind wondering what was wrong with her. "What's wrong?" "She doesn't believe she belongs with us." "Because of Alice's visions?" Bella asked. "Yes and no. She has problems with people leaving, and fears of them leaving. It's bigger than she lets on, and it's one thing I can never reassure her of, no matter how hard I try. Rosalie's words got to her, and I can't do anything to help her." Edward told her, his own words eating him alive.

Cori sat up, wiping her eyes as Jasper looked down at her. "There's some people waiting for you upstairs." Jasper whispered to her and she looked up just quick enough to see Edward duck to where she couldn't see him, making her burst out in a fit of giggles. "Thank you Jasper." "You're welcome. If you need me, you know where to find me." He told her as he stood flitting off to find his wife.

Cori stood wiping her clothes of any debris before she walked back inside. Following Edward's voice she found the two people she cared most for in his bedroom, Bella looking at his books and music. "He's got an eccentric ear doesn't he?" Cori asked from the door way, Bella jumping as Edward's eyes had found her the second she appeared.

"See what he's listening to." Cori told her, Bella clicking the play button, Debussy lightly drifting from the speakers. "It's Debussy." Edward told Bella as Cori swayed to the gentle music. "Yeah. Claire De Lune is great." Bella agreed.

Taking Cori's hand gently, Edward pulled her to him, dancing lightly, almost cradling her in his hands as Bella watched in awe. The dainty music matched their footsteps and their touches as they seemed to be in their own little world until Cori held her hand out.

"Bella." "I can't dance." "Everybody dances. Just try it. Here." Cori said as she separated from Edward for a moment, gently pulling Bella closer to her, placing her hands where they belonged. "There. Perfect." She whispered as their eyes met. "Yeah. Perfect." Bella agreed, her voice light and breathy.

Edward stepped up taking one of their hands each and spinning them gently. "You did it!" Cori smiled and she clapped softly. "I did." "How did you learn?" Bella asked. "Edward." Cori said and he smiled. "I don't think I ever truly could." "I could always make you." Edward said and Cori slapped his chest. "I'm not afraid of you." Bella told him and Cori smirked. "You really shouldn't have said that." She said as Bella looked at her. "Why?" Bella asked but before she could answer, Edward had Bella on his back on out into the trees.

Emmett came into Edwards room, a shit eating grin on his face as he slung Cori onto his back. "Hold on Firecracker." He said as he too scaled the trees. Being able to see Edward and Bella, Emmett let her off safely, allowing the girl to sit next to her girlfriend. "This kinda stuff doesn't exist." Bella said as she took in the sights. "It's real. It all is. The beauty, the danger. All of it." Cori told her. "And it's all ours."

A/N: How are you liking the story so far. Let me know down in the comments! Don't be a silent reader!

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