Chapter 48

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"You look beautiful!" Alice said to the girls as soon as they pulled up outside the house, Alice pulling them both into a hug.

"You almost caused a scene." Cori told the seer, narrowing her eyes slightly. Alice looked between the girls, confusion in her golden ones before a smirk appeared on Cori's lips. "Bella's dad almost walked in on us." Cori told her and Alice's eyes went wide, amusement written in them. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." The pixy said and Cori chuckled. "It's alright. Apparently he knew anyway." "What!" Bella exclaimed, her head snapping to her girlfriend. "Yeah, uh Bells, you've gotta keep your door open now when I'm there." She grinned and Bella blushed as they both heard a roar of laughter come from inside.

Edward made his way outside, shaking his head. "You know Emmett's never gonna shut up about that now." He told her and she grinned. "Not unless we give him something else to talk about." Cori told him softly as she put her hand on his chest. "Cori, not here." He told her with a chuckle and she blushed under his heated gaze. "Fine, I'll just give all my love to Bella." She said she went over to the brunette.

Edward chuckled as he grabbed both of their hands. "Come on, I wanna show you something." He told them, mainly Bella as their discussion about the Voltori wasn't over since school.

Entering Carlisle's study, with an invitation of course, the two girls stared at the large framed picture on the wall. Cordelia had seen it before, only once or twice as Edward told her of the Voltori, who they were and how dangerous they could be.

"The Voltori are a very old, very powerful family. I guess they're the closest thing we have to royalty my world has." Edward told them, knowing Cori had probably forgotten half of what he had told her before.

"Is that Carlisle?" Bella asked and Cori looked closer. "Yeah.he lived with them for a few decades. Described them as very refined. No respect for human life, of course, but a respect for the arts and the sciences, at least. And the law. Above all the law." Edward told them. "How old is Carlisle?" Cori asked, changing the topic slightly as the royals freaked her out slightly. "Last time he check, over three hundred years." Edward told her. Her eyes got wide. "Jeez." She said under her breath and Edward chuckled.

"Vampires have laws?" Bella asked as Cori walked around the study, focusing on her heels clicking on the wood floor, mentally checking out of the conversation. "Not very many. And only one that's regularly enforced." "What is it?" Bella asked. "That we keep the existence of our kind a secret. We don't make spectacles of ourselves, and we don't kill conspicuously. Unless, of course, you want to die." He told her.

"You gotta stop talking about that." Bella said and Cori's eyes flashed to the both of them. "What?" She asked as she had stopped in her tracks. "I can't even think about someone hurting you." Bella told him and Cori's eyes narrowed on Edward. "I thought we were through with that talk." Cori mumbled. "We are, it's just Romeo and Juliet in class, and the topic got brought up." Edward told her, leaving out the bit about talking about the potential suicide, not wanting to upset her, but it didn't seem to do the trick as her brow creased.

Walking over to her, Edward brought her close to him, her heels giving her the extra few inches to be just to his chin. "The only thing that can hurt me is the two of you. And I don't have anything else to be afraid of." Edward told the girls as Cori's blue eyes flickered between Edward and Bella.

"That's not true." Bella told him, as Cori's mind flashed back to the red head, Victoria, Edward seeing the female from Cori's memories. "Victoria? She'll come for me one day. Alice will see when she decides, and we'll be ready." "I could protect you, if you change me." Bella told him as Cori separated from him, stepping away from the two as they looked at her.

"I'm gonna go wait down stairs." She told them suddenly, walking out of the room, and down the stairs, where she could hear people talking, ignoring Bella calling her name.

"You're not supposed to be down here yet!" Alice shrieked. "It's not my birthday, Alice. Calm down." Cori told her and everyone in the room noticed Cordelia's mood.

Jasper opened his arms as she found her way into them. "What's going on?" Jasper asked quietly, as though none of his family could hear him, which they knew was false. "Bella talking about being bitten." Cori said, though it was muffled by his shirt. "You still having nightmares?" He asked her with worried eyes and she nodded. "I can't get it out of my head." She told him as she tried to keep her tears at bay, but one slipped out, rolling down her cheek.


(Flashback to the Past)

Edward had of course told his family, especially Carlisle, of the incident at prom. How when Cordelia had screamed for Edward to stop, it was like a sonic boom had went off in his ear, even making Bella's ears bleed slightly at the volume of the sound.

Carlisle was alarmed, but not surprised. Edward read his mind, finding the information for himself. "Is it possible?" "For a banshee and an obscure woman to be passed down through the linage, a heavily Irish linage at that, aligning in the same person. It's possible. Anything's possible. Usually the power of a banshee is released by a supernatural force, but with Cori being an insured woman, anything's possible." Carlisle told him. "The bite." Edward whispered, his golden eyes finding Carlisle's.

"Has she shown any signs? How do we know for certain?" Edward asked. "We won't, not until we hear her." "Hear her what?" Edward asked. "Scream."

A/N: What do you guys think? Do you think adding more to Cori's character is good? I always thought there was more to her character than someone who just didn't have a scent. It just kind of all ties in together!

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