Chapter 50

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"I'll have to stitch this up in my office." Carlisle told the brunette, turning to look for the red head, but she was gone. "Did she-" "She left out the front." Bella told the doctor and Carlisle sighed.

"Check on Jasper." Carlisle called out to his son, only to get no response, "I'm sure he's very upset with himself, and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now. Edward." Carlisle told his son whose eyes were glued on Bella. With out a word Edward turned and left, but not before sparing the door a final glance.


Working on picking out the glass, Carlisle worked quickly and efficiently. "I never wanted to have a party." Bella told the doctor and Carlisle smiled sympathetically. "It's not your fault. Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us." "How do you do it?" Bella asked. "Years and years of practice." He told her with a gentle smile. "Did you ever think of just doing it the easy way?" "No. I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to help people. It brings me happiness. Even if I am dammed regardless." Carlisle said.

"Dammed? Like hell? Carlisle, You couldn't be dammed, it's impossible." Bella told him and his eyes flickered to hers for a moment as a small smile graced his features. "You sound like Cordelia." He told her. "Then she's right." Bella nodded, thinking of the red head.

"You both have always been very gracious about us. Now Cordelia's been brought into our world, and she's drowning in it." Carlisle said softly, a certain sorrow to his voice as his brows creased in an almost unnatural way. "What's going on with her? It seems like more is happening since she found out what she is. She brought you all to your knees tonight. That's not normal. Is it?" Bella asked and Carlisle neither confirmed nor denied her claim.

Thinking she wouldn't get an answer about her girlfriend, she switched topics, and genders. "So that's it? That's why he won't change me?" Carlisle sighed softly, his golden eyes glancing to her for only a millisecond before he spoke.

"Imagine the situation in reverse. Hmm? If you believed as Edward does, could you take away his soul? There is also Cordelia to consider. Heaven knows what will happen if the venom takes hold of her." "Are you afraid?" "Of her? No. Of her powers in the wrong hands? Very." Carlisle told her and Bella frowned. "You mean the Voltori?" Bella asked but was met with no answer as Edward walked into the room. "It's time to go."


It was deadly quiet in the Jeep as Edward had drove to the Swan girls house first. Not a word was said, the girls not even breathing too loudly as the tense air was suffocating. Edward was upset, both of the girls could feel it, Bella was afraid he would disappear, and Cori was scared; of herself.

As the Jeep was shut off the only sound being the girl's breathing and the crickets outside. "You can't protect me." Bella spoke softly to the male. "Bella." Cori softly said from the back seat, not wanting to hear the topic of transition again. "From everything." Bella finished as she looked into the back.

"At some point something is going to separate us. It's going to be an accident or illness or old age. As long as I'm human. The only solution is to change me." Bella told Edward. "That's not a solution. That's a tragedy." Edward told her. The two in the front head the back door open and feet hit the ground. "Lia?" "Stop talking about it." Cori growled out, her eyes narrowed into slits at the brunette before the door slammed shut, making both occupants wince at the sound.

"Lia wait!" "Let her go." Edward told Bella as they watched the girl walk down the road to her own house.

As they both watched her go, Edward sighed. "Bella, do you not understand my feeling for you at all? For both of you?" "Carlisle told me, how you feel about your soul. I don't believe that. So don't worry about mine." Bella told him.

Looking back towards the Austin house, Edward's eyes met Bella's. "You should go inside." He told her as her chocolate brown eyes connected with his, not expecting that answer.

Getting out of the Jeep, she took several steps towards him as he took several back. "It's still my birthday." She told him, "So can I ask one thing? Kiss me." She told him.

Leaning in, he did as she asked, kissing her softly as he knew his blood lust was higher tonight from the earlier events. Edward groaned from the restraint he showed as Bella gasped at the kiss. "I love you." Bella told him. "I love you." He told her as lead her to the steps.

"Are you going to stay?" Bella asked. "Not tonight. I've got to return Cori's Jeep, and Carlisle had found some information." He told her, only telling half truths. "Okay." Bella said as he made his way back to Jeep, pulling away, only to pull into the drive a few houses down.

Seeing the living room light on and Cordelia's room light on, Edward made the decision to climb into her room.

Sitting at her desk, tensing as the papers on her desk fluttered. "Hey." Edward said softly. "Hi." "Cori-" "Edward-" They said at the same time. "You go first." She told him. "What happened tonight was not your fault." Edward began.  "It was mine. You were protecting Bella, and it is all I could ever hope for. You say that your not strong, that your not like us, but you are love. You're powerful and I couldn't be more happy and proud." Edward told her, expecting her to be happy at his words, but she was quiet. "Cori?"

"I put all of you in danger. I put Bella in danger." "You did nothing of the sort." Edward told her. "Edward, I'm scared. I'm scared of me." She told him, tears in her blue eyes that made them look grey. Edward's heart broke at the sight, one of the tears falling, him catching it, wiping it away gently as he took her face in his hands.

"It's okay to be scared. It is. The more you control it and learn how to, the more it will come naturally. Just like my gift. What you have is a gift Cordelia. You just have to learn how to use it. We all had to learn." Edward told her.

Cori shook her head as a second wave tears sprang to her eyes. "I feel like everything is changing." "What do you mean?" "You're changing, I'm changing, Bella and her obsession with turning. It's all changing." She said as tears fell from her eyes. "It's okay. I promise, it's going to be all right." "How do you know?" Cori asked, her mind in a vulnerable state, begging for reassurance.

"I just do. Get some rest Cori. I'm sure Carlisle has questions he expects to have answered when I get back." "Your not staying?" Cori asked, her voice small and Edward wanted nothing more than to stay with her. "Not tonight love, I have to get back. I'll see you soon enough." He told her as he kissed her forehead.

Cori watched as Edward slipped out of her window, her heart falling into her stomach as something felt off. She wanted so badly for him to stay, but who was she to ask him to stay when she had just hurt his entire family.

"Please stay." Cori whispered into her empty room, knowing Edward probably too far away by now to hear her, but she wanted it out there. A sinking feeing came over her, one of dread and anxiousness came over her. "Please stay." She said again, but this time for a whole different reason.

A/N: Who's ready for the break up scenes? Not me!!!!! But I made this bed, and now I must lay in it.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora