Chapter 42°

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The two walked into the space just a few steps, Cori slightly in front of Bella.

"Bella? Bella? Bella, where are you?" A woman called out. "Mom." Bella said stepping forward, but Cori held her hand out. "Bella?" "Mom." The brunette said a little louder, pushing Cori's hand away from her and rushing towards the other side of the studio.

"There you are. What are you doing in here?" The woman's voice rang out as a hand slithered around Cori's neck, making her freeze.

"Everyone makes fun of me." The young voice of Bella rang out as the brunette had gotten to a supply closet, opening the doors to find a tv with the recorded footage her mother had taken. "Come on, you're a wonderful dancer." Renée spoke softly as the younger version of Bella scoffed. "Mom, I suck."

James laughed from behind her as he shoved the red head forward. "You do not suck." The recording kept playing in the background. Bella gasped as she turned around to see James and Cori, hundreds of them, as mirrors were placed just perfectly to capture his prize.

As he walked forward, out of the illusion of mirrors, Bella's frightened eyes turned to horror as she saw that he had Cori by the neck. "That's my favorite part. You were a stubborn child, weren't you? Hum?" He asked, tightening his grip as Cori gasped for breath her fingers clawing at his hand, trying as hard as she could to make him let go.

Keeping her eyes on Cori, Bella mind tried to come up with the right words to say. "She's not even here." The brunette stuttered out. "No. Sorry." He said, a wicked grin on his face as Cori's started to turn a shade of purple, but he was done with the red head. He got what he wanted. His snack; his prize.

Throwing Cori across the room, Bella cried out her name as she smashed into a pillar, lying unmoving for a moment.

Looking back to Bella, he shoved her against the closet door, taking in her mouth watering scent. "You know, but you really made it too easy. So let's make things a little more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together. I borrowed this from your house. Hope you don't mind." James stated as he aimed the camera at Bella, trying to get the best angle he could.

"And action!" He grinned, enjoying the game. "Oh, that'll break Edward's little heart." He said with a sadistic smile. "You have...Edward has nothing to do with this!" Bella yelled, but he just shoved her back into the door. "But he does. All his rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you, both of you actually isn't it? He has both of you?"

"Leave her alone." Cori said, standing, making James turn his camera towards her. "Awww you're up. Good. It was just getting to the good part. Are you gonna answer?" He asked. "I said leave he alone." Cori repeated herself, anger flowing through her at the terrified eyes of Bella. "What are you gonna do, sweetheart?" He asked with a sickening smile.

Cori smiled as she realized a feeling, almost like electricity was flowing through her, as she flickered in and out of existence, making James's eyes widen with fear. Running towards him, she panicked as he seemed to be able to see her again, but remember what she had told Charlie.

Nose, throat, groin

James winced but she didn't know if it was out of pain or annoyance, but she was trying not to because as soon as she punched him in the face, she felt her hand break, but she knew if she stopped, there was no going back.

The pause in time seemed not nearly enough for as when Cori reached for Bella's hand James came out of what ever pain he was in and he snarled at her.

"You're getting in the way!" He growled as he grabbed her arm, crushing it between his fingers, smirking at the scream the girl released. Throwing her to the side once more, Cori's head crashed into another beam, affectingly leaving her unconscious.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now