Chapter 49°

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Emmett came to Jaspers aid in trying to brighten the red heads mood. "So you two almost got caught. Doing what?" Emmett asked. "I'm not telling you!" Cori said as she looked at the brute man oddly. "Why not! You can just whisper it!" Emmett begged and Cori gave him a deadpanned look. "Fine." "Really?" Emmett asked and she nodded, cupping her hands, waving him over.

When he was close enough so whispered, "None of your business." Cori told him. "Damn it Cori!" He huffed. "It's my life. You don't need the dirty details." "How dirty?" He asked. "Princess Diana coverup dirty." She told him and he smiled. "That's my girl." He told her as he went to stand back over by Rosalie who was trying not to laugh. "You two are unbelievable." Rose hissed as she slapped Emmett on the arm, the two bickering back and forth like an old married couple.

"Perfect." The pixy said as she took a final look around. "No one touch anything!" She said as she darted up the stairs. "What about this?" Cori said as she touched one of the crystal plates, making it wobble slightly, making the smallest Cullen peek around the corner. "I heard that." Alice told her. "Good." Cori told her.

"You just want to start shit don't you, firecracker?" Jasper asked her. "It would be boring around here if I didn't." She told him and he smiled. "That it would."

Looking up, hearing footsteps she saw Alice, Bella, and Edward. The brunettes brown eyes finding Cori's blue ones as she scanned the faces she had come to know.

As she came down the stairs, tripping in normal Bella fashion, Cori stayed back by Jasper as to stay out of the way.

"Sorry about all this." Carlisle told the girl as he got closer, "We tried to rein Alice in." "As if that was even possible." Esme said with a smile, "Happy Birthday, Bella." "Thanks."

A flash went off, startling Cori as Jasper felt her flinch. Bella turning around to see Alice with her camera. "I found it in your bag. You mind?" Alice asked and Bella shook her head no.

"Dating an older woman. Hot." Emmett said as he glanced over to Cori. "Actually two." Rosalie smacked his arm as the Cullen looked between his brother and wife. "What?"  "Actually, they're eighteen." Edward said with an eye roll as he walked over to Cori. "Are you doing okay?" He asked her as she stepped away from Jaspers arms and into Edwards. "Yeah. I just have a head ache." "Anything I can do?" "No, just stand there." She said as she laid her head on his chest, the coldness of his body seeping into her, working its magic.

"You first Rosalie." Alice said putting a gift into the blonds hands. Edward tapped Cori's shoulder, urging her to pay attention. Rosalie just handed it to Bella. "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out." "Thanks." "Rose!" Cori huffed, stepping forward, but Edward pulled her back. "Choose your battles." He told her and she sighed.

Alice reached over grabbing both Cori and Edward, dragging them over to the brunette. "Show me the love!" Alice gushed as she held up the camera.

Cori kissed Bella's cheek as it looked as if Edward was kissing her head as Alice took the picture. Going over to the table of presents, Alice picked another one out. "This one's from Emmett."

Taking the box, feeling how light it was, Bella shook it lightly. "What if an animal was in there?" Cori asked her. "An animal?" Bella asked, her eyes wide as Emmett laughed. "Not an animal, but I did already install it in your truck. Finally a decent sound system for that piece of -" "Hey! Don't hate the truck." Bella told him and Cori rolled her eyes. That thing was a death trap.

"Open Esme and Carlisle's." Alice said, handing over a small package. "Just a little something to brighten your day." Carlisle told her. "Yes, you've been looking a little pale lately." Esme said, chuckling at her own joke.

Cori gasped as her head ache seemed to increase. "Cori?" Edward asked as he steadied her. "I'm fine." She told him, but kept her eyes locked on the brunette. Carlisle's eyes watched Cori closely.

Opening the package that was tightly sealed, Bella gasped as the paper tore through her skin, allowing the smallest bit of blood to escape. "Ow. Paper cut." Bella said as she tried to hide the blood, but Cori was already making her way towards Bella as was two other people. Edward and Jasper.

The blond had lost control, it slipping as the bloodlust in the room amplified. Edward got to Bella just seconds before Cori, him accidentally pushing her backwards into the vases, the glass shattering. Edward threw Jasper across the room as Cori panicked, not knowing where to go, choosing to stand in front of Bella as she heard the piano break and splinter under the blonds weight.

Cori's eyes were everywhere as she tried to understand the situation, but everything was moving to fast. Flickering in and out of the Cullen house, the pain in her head exploded, making her scream.


The glass around her shattered as the Vampires dropped to their knees, various expressions of pain on their faces, effectively stoping all moment as they all covered their ears, some even crying out at the volume of the sound.

Cori gasped as she saw what she had done, turning around, looking to Bella, only to see her perfectly fine. "You're okay." Cori said mainly to herself, still getting over the fact that she did something. "Almost." Bella told her as she revealed her arm that was now bleeding. "Oh god." Cori said as she turned back to the family who were looking at the red head with a mixture of faces. Excited, worry, fear, were the most popular ones.

Cori's blue eyes fell on Carlisle as the man stood. "Help her. Please." She said quietly as the rest of the Cullen's recovered. Emmett took Jasper out of the room, Alice and Rosalie following soon after, Esme leaving to grab cleaning utensils.

"I'm sorry." Cori said to no one in particular, but Edward looked at her, and for the first time she had seen slight fear in his golden ones. "I'm sorry."

A/N: How are we feeling about this turn of events? Let me know down in the comments. What do you think is gonna happen now?

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now