Chapter 41

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Cori always thought it was a lie, the way the Cullens would describe the way how when their mates were away from them, that they would feel it. But she understood it now. The longer Edward was away from her, she didn't ache necessarily, but her anxiety got worse the longer he was away.

"I'm surprised you haven't disappeared on us." Jasper told her jokingly as they were all sat in the living quarters of their suite. "I don't know how to control it." "You will, but for now it acts as like a protective blanket, fight or flight. I'm surprised your anxiety hasn't caused it to appear. Yet, I can't manipulate your emotions, so it may be working and we not know it." Jasper told her.

"You two should try to get some rest." Alice told them. "I don't know if I could sleep." Cori told her and Alice gave her an understanding smile. "Try." She told her as she guided the two into the bedroom.

As Alice left, the two girls looked at each other, thinking the same thing. "We're sleeping together, right?" Bella asked. "Yeah." Cori answered as she peeled off her jeans. Bella blushed as she looked away, deciding to keep hers on as she took off her shoes.

Climbing under the blankets, Cori cuddled up beside Bella, the brunette stroking her hair with her free hand. The other was used as extra support for her head. After a few minutes, Bella softly spoke. "Is this helping?" She asked but got no response, other than a small snore. Bella smiled as she settled down, falling asleep herself.


Alice and Jasper had decided to move to the air port, as they were currently on the other side of town. Alice went to wake the girls up, but found them in an adorable position. Bella was lying half on her side, half on her back as Cori was cuddled up almost onto her, her head fitting right under the brunettes chin.

Snapping a quick picture for later on, Alice gently woke the girls up. "Alice, what's going on?" Cori asked, stretching as she yawned. "We're moving locations to be closer to the airport. I need you both to make sure you have your stuff packed up. Jasper and I are going to go check out." She told them as Cori nodded, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Okay." The girls responded as Alice left the room, the main door closing just a minute later. Cori got up, dragging Bella out of bed, to which made the brunette laugh, but the laughter stopped. The two girls cell phones rang. Bella looked at her, surprised by the home number that was flashing as Cori looked down to see her father calling again. They both answered.

"Dad." Cori said as she picked up the phone, turning away from Bella. "Cori, finally you pick up. I've been worried sick." "I'm sorry. I needed some time. I sent you a text." She tried, but was met with a huff. "I needed to hear your voice. Where are you?" He asked. "I'm safe. Dad- I just I need some time. I'm really sorry for the things I said, I didn't mean them. Everything's been so messed up lately." She said.

"It's okay. I understand." He told her. "It's not okay dad. I shouldn't have said those things. I'm really sorry." She said, the emotion creeping back into her voice. "Carrot top, I promise it's okay. Things happen, words get said. I'm just glad that you're safe, and you're coming home soon, right?" He asked. "Im not sure dad. I'll keep you posted. I promise I'm not running away like mom." "Okay. I love you." He told her. "Love you more." She smiled as she ended the call, a huge weight off of her chest, but her smile fell as she turned around to see Bella's panicked face, and teary eyes.

"Bells?" She asked. "He has my mom, Lia." "What! We have to tell Alice and Jasper!" Cori said freaking out. "No! He said if anyone comes with me, other than you, he'll kill her." Bella panicked. Cori's eyes squinted, her brows furrowing. "Bella, this sounds like a trap." She said her voice cautious. "I heard her voice, Lia. She was terrified." "Where?" "The ballet studio." Bella told her. "This really sounds like a trap." Cori told her and Bella huffed.

"I have to try. It's my mom, Lia. You would do the same for your dad." Bella told her and she nodded. "Have you tried her cell phone?" "It went to voice mail. It's either turned off or dead." Cori huffed out of frustration. "I'm going. You either come with me or you don't." Bella told her. "Bella! Wait!" Cori cried out, grabbing her arm.

"We do this together, maybe I could protect you." Cori told her and Bella looked hesitant. "You don't know how to control it." "I'll learn. I can't lose you." "I can't lose you either." Bella told her and she grabbed her hand. "Together." They said simultaneously. "Okay, let's go." She told the brunette, going to grab her phone and wallet from the side table, writing down a message quickly on the note pad Jasper had left out.

Alice's Vision

The two girls snuck down to the stairs of the hotel, looking to see where Alice and Jasper were. As they saw them still in line for check out, they walked out the front doors, and to the nearest taxi. Bella told the driver the address, the man complaining that it was nearly across town, when Cori opened her wallet, giving the man a fifty dollar bill. He happily took the money, and took off.

The two girls sat in the back their hands connected, but their minds going a mile a minute.

As they arrived to the ballet studio, Cori let a shuttering breath out. "Are we sure about this." She asked. "My mom's in there." Bella told her, a nod coming from her. ""You ready?" Cori asked as Bella took her hand, walking to the door.

It squeaked open, the darkness was eerie, the silence penetrating. Four words keep ringing in Cori's head. 'This is a trap.'

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now