Chapter 29

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Skipping school was something that Cori did regularly. Not that anyone condoned it, but she and Edward frequently abandoned the educational establishment in search of something better to do, and today was one of those days, and today they had a partner.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Bella asked as she kept checking her phone then her watch. "Bells, it's one day. You made it half way, most of the teachers don't take actual attendance anyway after lunch." Cori said ignoring the fear of rebelling from the brunette.

"But still." Bella said as she worried her bottom lip between her teeth. "It's okay. We're sure you have questions and we wanted to give you answers." Cori said throwing her arms around Bella, bringing her close.

As they got close to an edge of a ledge, Bella started in on her questions. "So does a person have to be dying to become like you?" She asked and Cori looked at Edward as she knew this was hard for him to talk about.

He had of course explained this all to her two years ago, but he had also explain that Cori made him feel human, and for that he would be eternally grateful for her. Having to relive the stories over and over again, she couldn't imagine.

"No, that's just Carlisle. He'd never do this to someone who had another choice." He explained. "So how long have you been like this?" Bella asked. "Since 1918. That's when Carlisle found me dying of Spanish influenza." He explained. "Edward's one hundred and seven. His birthday is actually coming up." Cori said nonchalantly as she looked at a rock she had found, her eyes taking in how it seemed to shine in the dim sunlight. She pocketed the rock as it reminded her of Edward.

The sky rumbled with impending rainfall, almost fore telling of their conversation. "What was it like?" Bella asked as Edward looked over the rocky edge and into the water, seeing nothing but open space for miles upon miles. "The venom was excruciating." He said flatly, his voice drifting as if trying to remember, though Cori knew he remembered every last second, he tried to forget more than he tried to remember.

Turning to look back at Bella, he spoke, his voice was soft as he spoke about the man he looked up to like a father. "What Carlisle had to do was much harder. Not many of us have the restraint to do that." "But didn't he just have to bite?" Bella asked as the rain started and Edward gathered Cori, making sure they were all covered, though they were thoroughly soaked in seconds as the weather in Forks was never light.

"Not exactly. When we taste human blood, a sort of frenzy begins. It's nearly impossible to stop." Edward told her as Cori's head laid on Edwards shoulder. "But Carlisle did." She told the brunette. "First with me, then with his wife, Esme." "So is Carlisle the real reason you don't-" "Eat people?" Cori finished for her and Bella smiled slightly as she nodded.

"No that's not the only reason. I don't want to be a monster." "And you're not." Cori corrected, Edward placing a kiss on her forehead. "We think of ourselves as vegetarians, because we only survive on the blood of animals." "Bunny munchers." Cori mumbled and Edward shot her a look as Bella tried to cover her smile. "But it's like a human only living off tofu. It keeps you strong, but you're never fully satisfied." He said as he looked between the girls. "Don't look at me. You can't even smell me." Cori sassed and Edward grinned.

It was quiet for a moment before the inevitable question came up. "Was it other vampires that killed Waylon?" Bella asked, almost afraid of the answer. "Yeah. There are others out there. We run into them from time to time." Edward told her. "They're called nomads, independent travelers. They usually have red eyes, which means they feed off humans. Stay away from them if you can." Cori told her.

"How do you know all this?" Bella asked Cori and she shrugged. "I've had my fair share of supernatural experiences while with the Cullens. With my ability, I was able to hide, completely as a group of nomads went past me. Never smelt or heard anything. Carlisle didn't know what to make of it as they can usually hear my heartbeat, but somehow I hid it." Cori told her and Bella looked at her terrified.

Shaking her head of the thoughts that came to her mind, making her shiver of what could have happened, Bella turned back to Edward. "Can the rest of your family read people's minds like you can?" Bella asked. "That's just him." Cori said as she smiled. "The others? You talked about Alice not being able to see Cori. What does that mean?" "Alice can see the future." "She saw me coming." Bella realized as she looked over to Cori, and saw the sadness that seemed to radiate from her though she hid it behind a smile. "What?" Bella asked, worried she had said something wrong.

"Alice did see you coming, yes. And you're also correct that Alice can't see Cori. So much so she can't see her at all. She didn't see her come into our lives, even to this day. I have to look at surroundings of her visions to find visuals of Cori to see if she is in the vision or not. A room, a bag, clothing, anything that tells me if she's in danger or not, as Alice doesn't know. It's bothered her since she found out." Edward told Bella and she nodded. "It would bother me too." Bella said as she looked over to red head. "But she's gonna be okay right? Nothing bad is gonna happen?" Bella asked and as much as it pained him, Edward didn't know. "Alice's visions are subjective, I mean the future can always change." Edward told Bella as Cori heard, the words not helping her already heavy beating heart.

"It's gonna be okay." Bella said scooting closer to Cori as she seemed to stare out into nothing, Edward seemingly walking around, jumping from rock to rock.

"I don't think you quite understand Bella. Alice saw you. Many, many versions of you. You were meant to be here. I always worry about my place. Alice didn't see me. I was a surprise to them, and let me tell you, vampires don't like surprises. I worry I'm not truly meant to be here. With him, with you." Cori said as a tear fell from her eye, rolling down her cheek.

"You are. If you weren't, it wouldn't have worked out this long, and I wouldn't be feeling this way. You're meant to be here Lia, you're meant to be with me and him, with us. It wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't be the same. Some of the best things in life are surprises, and let me tell you something Cordelia, you are my favorite surprise yet." Bella told her as she wiped the tear from Cori's face, holding her face for a minute, before Cori leaned against Bella, her head leaning against her shoulder as they both watched Edward.

A/N: Its been a minute since I updated this story, but I hope to have some new chapters coming out soon! I haven't been able to watch twilight, so I've been stuck. I hope everyone is safe and healthy. I'm currently dealing with strep throat and Covid, so yay for me. Also, this story just recently hit 15k! I can't believe it! You guys are amazing! Thank you so much! Much love.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now