Chapter 25

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As the three got to the diner that the girls were supposed to meet up at, Bella went ahead as Edward got a bandaid from the glove compartment, covering Cori's wound for now until Carlisle could look at it.

"Do you know how unbelievably stupid that was?" Edward asked. "Were you watching?" Cori asked, her eyes holding a look of unease. "No, I was looking out for the both of you when you disappeared, I can't read Bella's mind, and you went blank to me, so I was relying on their sick versions! Why didn't you run?" Edward asked. "Edward, there wasn't a safe way out, it was easier to fight back." Cori told him, and he brought her into a hug. "I thought I lost you." He said into her hair as she pulled him closer. "Never." She told him.

As the couple separated and met up with Bella at the restaurant steps, the brunette had Cori's phone and jacket. "How?" "Jess doesn't keep her doors locked." The two said at the same time, making each other laugh as Edward smiled.

The door opened and Angela and Jessica walked down the steps, their pace getting faster as they saw the two girls. "Where were you two? We left you messages! Cori, you left your phone in the car, again." Angela argued and Cori looked down like being scolded by a parent. "We waited, but we were like, starving, so we..." Jess cut herself off as Edward stepped up behind Cori.

"I'm sorry I kept the girls from dinner. We ran into each other and got talking. I thought you all were dress shopping." He said then Cori butted in, "and then book shopping." She smiled over to Bella who still looked uneasy.

"No." "Yeah." The other two teens said then chuckled nervously. "We totally understand. I mean it happens right? Especially when someone forgets their phone." Jessica said. "Enough about the stupid phone!" Cori snapped, and Edward put his hands on her shoulders. "We were-" "Yeah, we were just leaving. So... Let's get this..." "Bella, do you wanna-" Jess asked but Edward interjected. "I think I should make sure Bella and Cori both get something to eat. It's only fair. If you'd like. I'll drive you home myself, I've got to bring Cori home anyway." He said and Bella grinned. "That's so thoughtful." "Really thoughtful. Yeah." Jess repeated Angela. "Yeah, we should eat something." Bella said glancing at Cori who smiled at her.

"Okay. So we'll see you tomorrow." "Okay, yeah." Bella awkwardly waved them off as the trio walked into the restaurant, the two teen girls giggled.


As they sat at the table, Cori excused herself to freshen up, leaving the two alone. "Do you know what you're gonna get?" Bella asked Edward, and he looked at the menu with a hard look before meeting her eyes. "I've unfortunately already eaten. But I'm sure the waitress will come back before Cori's back."

"You know her order?" Bella asked surprised. "It's a little on the odd side, it's hard to forget." He told her with a smirk, and as if called, the waitress came back over. "Do you know what you'd like?" She asked. "Mushroom ravioli please, with a coke." Bella ordered. "And for you?" She asked Edward, her lashes fluttering, her chest right in eyesight.

"Chicken, shrimp, and spinach Alfredo with mushrooms, and a coke with lemon." Edward and Cori said at the same time, as the redhead came back to the table, kissing Edward on the cheek. "You remembered my order babe." She smiled though she knew he remembered it every time. After telling the waitress that he wanted nothing but a glass of water she scurried off, and the three could talk freely again.

An awkward silence followed until Bella built up the courage. "I was about to ask some questions." Bella said and Cori smiled nervously. "Like what?" "I need some answers." "Bella-" "Yes. No. To get to the other side. 1.77245..." "I don't want to know what the square root of pie is." "The what of what?" Cori asked but she was ignored for the most part, except for the smile thrown her way by Edward.

"How did you know where we were? Were you tracking Lia?" Bella asked. "I didn't, and I wasn't." "Alright." Bella said, going to stand up, but Cori put her hand out, "Bella wait." "Please, don't leave." Edward said as the food was being brought to the table.

Cori took a bite of her chicken, and listened. "Did you follow us?" "I feel very protective of you, both of you." "So you followed us." Bella deduced and Cori tried not to laugh at her bluntness.

"I was trying to keep a distance, unless you needed my help, and then I heard what those low lives were thinking-" Edward said, and Cori's eyes bugged from her head, her foot jutting out, connecting with a shin, and considering Bella didn't cry out, she figured she hit her target.

"Wait-" Bella said catching what he said. "You said you can hear what they were thinking?" She asked. Edward sighed softly. "So what? You read minds." Bella said so confidently that Cori almost didn't believe she just heard the girl say it. "I can read every mind in this room. Apart from yours and sometimes Cori's." He paused,

"There's money, sex, money, sex, cat, and glimpses of how certain people, poses, and pictures, would look like on canvas, in simple black and white or in color." He said and Bella's brown eyes glide over to Cori who is seemingly staring out into space, her thoughts wondering.

"And then you, nothing. It's very frustrating." "You just said you couldn't read Lia's mind either sometimes." Bella pointed out. "Her's is different. Instead of a black hole of nothing, it's almost a box of white noise with glimpses of pictures and people, an occasional one liner, which can sound stressful, but is actually quite nice at times. It also fits her perfectly. That's what it was when I was trying to find the two of you, white noise and nothing."

"Is there something wrong with us?" Bella asked and Edward grinned. "See I tell you that I can read minds and you think there is something wrong with you." "There's nothing wrong with you either." Cori reminds him and he sighs.

"What is it?" Bella asked. "I- we- don't have the strength to stay away from you any more." "Then don't." Bella said and Cori's head snapped to her and Bella smiled. "I wanna try this. I thought about it, and I wanna make this work." Bella said and Cori squealed quietly, a bright smile on her face as Edward smiled.


On the way back to Forks, Cori sat, more like laid in the back, her head pounding. Only a few days back from being in school and she had gotten hurt again. Esme was gonna come unglued.

She tossed and turned on the backseat, yet couldn't seem to get comfortable. "Is there anyway we could lower the heat? I'm gonna cook back here." Cori said and Bella smiled as she and Edward reached for the dial at the same time, their hands touching. Bella gasped as his hands were still ice cold.

Cori watched from the backseat, worried Bella was gonna figure it out sooner than she needed to.

The hum of the engine and the small talk had almost lulled Cori to sleep until the brakes were hit softly. "Woah what is going on? My dad's still here." Bella said taking in the lights and sirens, Edward noticing Carlisle's car on the end.

"Carlisle, what's going on?" Edward asked as Bella got out of the passenger side door. "Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place. I just examined the body." Carlisle told the teens, as he looked around noticing Cori wasn't with them. "He died? How?" Bella asked surprised. "Animal attack." "Was it the same one that got that security guard down in Mason?" Bella asked worried for her father. "Most likely." "Well, it's getting closer to town, then." "Bella, you should go inside. Waylon was your father's friend." "Okay." She said before glancing back at the car.

Opening the back door she came face to face with a sleeping Cori. Bella moved some of the hair from her face. "Feel better soon." She told the sleeping girl, then headed inside.

"Carlisle, can you look at Cori's head?" Edward asked and Carlisle nodded. "Has something happened?" "I couldn't get there fast enough." Edward said briefly as he woke up the sleeping girl. Carlisle saw the bandaged mark and smiled. "It looks like only a flesh wound. It will bruise, and you will probably have a few headaches depending on how hard you hit, but you will live to see another day my dear." Carlisle told her and Cori smiled at her boyfriend. "Told you."

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now