Chapter 47

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As Cori had went into her first class to start her essay that was due second period, Jacob had once again found his way to Bella's said.

"Bella!" "Jacob!" She gasped, surprised to see him, Edward waiting a little ways away, knowing if Cori knew he was here, she would try to kill him. Cordelia hated the male almost as much as Edward did.

"Hello, biceps! You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you." The brunettes told him, laughing quietly as she felt his arm, as he chuckled, silently enjoying the interaction. "Well, I'm just filling out, Bella. You know it wouldn't seem so drastic if we hung out more." He told her. Looking around be noticed a certain red head was missing. "No red headed satan spawn today?"Jacob asked. "Jake. No. And she's just not a fan of you. You should switch schools. You can hang out with the palefaces, see more of Lia who you love so much."

"I'm alright. I prefer the rez school's exclusivity. They let any old riffraff into this place." He said and she gave him a look. "I see. Then why are you slummin it?" Bella asked. "I was just buying a part for the rabbit. You should really come take a ride when it's done." He told her. "Is it fast?" She asked and Jacob chuckled nervously. "It's-it's decent." He said and they both laughed. "I'm kidding." "Okay, good." He said, thankful. "Hey, happy birthday." Jake told her, "Your dad told my dad, so." "Yeah, of course he did." "I saw this the other day and thought of you." Jake said holding up a dream catcher, "catches bad dreams." He told her. "That's kinda perfect. Thank you." She told him with a smile. "No problem." He said glancing to Edward who was trying not to watch them.

"Good seeing you." Jacob told her going in for a hug. "Yeah, I'll see you later." She said softly, hugging back.

Entering the school, Edward asked what had been on his mind. "So how come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I don't?" Edward asked. "Because I have nothing to give back to you." Bella told him truthfully. "Bella, you give me everything just by breathing. Cori would say the same thing. Talking about her, be lucky she wasn't out there." "Why?" "She still hates him." "Of course she does." Bella said with a roll of her eyes.

"Bella!" Alice called from the stairs, jumping over the railing to get to her faster as Jasper just walks down the rest of the stairs. "Happy Birthday!" Alice said loudly as Bella shushed her.

Looking around, Jasper noticed Cori not with them. Looking at Edward, the Cullen read his mind. "She's writing a last minute essay." Edward said quietly as to not disturb Alice and Bella. Jasper nodded, accepting the answer.

"I thought I said no presents. Lia now you too. I swear you two gang up on me." Bella sighed. "I've already seen you open it, and guess what, you love it!" Alice said and Bella smiled thinking of the shirt she got from Cori.

"You're gonna wear it tonight. Our place." Alice told her. Bella's face was hesitant. "Come on, please? It'll be fun. Cori helped!" Alice said using her girlfriend against her as Jasper was in the background using his power to persuade the brunette. "Okay. Alright." Bella agree and Alice's eyes lit up. "Great! Okay, I'll see you at seven." Alice told her as she made her way back towards the blond.

"Jasper, no fair with the mood control thing." Bella said as she realized her mood had been adjusted. Alice giggled as Jasper smiled. "Sorry Bella. Happy... Nevermind." He said as he saw her face, the two walking off.

Turning back towards Edward, Bella tapped his chest with the box. "How much do you wanna bet this is a dress." "99.8." Edward said and Bella sighed. "You can't trust vampires, trust me." He told her and Bella did a double take, smiling lightly at his joke.


"How does this look?" Cori asked Bella as they got ready together, the Swan asking the Austin to come over to help her.

Turning to see her, Bella stopped. "Nice. Really, really nice." Bella said as her eyes scanned down her girlfriend.

If there was one thing Bella could say about Cordelia, it was that emerald green was her color

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If there was one thing Bella could say about Cordelia, it was that emerald green was her color. Of course the brunette thought she looked good in anything, but the greens, they just did something to her.

Cori blushed as she watched Bella look her up and down, the brunette biting her lip subconsciously. Stepping closer, Cori took the piece of clothing out of her hands, throwing it onto the bed. "So this one's a winner?" She asked and Bella nodded. "Yeah."

"Do you think it would be better on or off?" Cori asked, Bella's eyes meeting hers as she started to unzip the back of her dress slowly. "Off." Bella told her, holding eye contact. Her mind was going a mile a minute, yet blank at the same time. Bella took a step closer, their lips touching, connecting them as fires started in both of them. The kisses turned heated, Cori pulling Bella as close to her as she could until a knock was heard at the door.

Jumping apart, both their eyes were wide. "Alice just called. She said you're gonna be late." Charlie told the two, thankfully never opening the door. "Thanks dad." Bella shouted, hearing his footfalls fade down the stairs.

The two girls shared heated glances towards each other. "If we're late, Alice will kill us." Cori told Bella and she laughed, still flushed from just moments before. "Yeah. I'm gonna go change." Bella told her and Cori nodded. "Okay."

Waiting at the kitchen table, Charlie came in, surprised to see the girl sitting there. "Mae, how are you today?" He asked. "I'm good chief. How are you?" "I would be better if I knew I didn't need to keep the doors in my house open." "What?" "You got some lip gloss -" he said pointing to the side of her mouth. Bella's lip gloss.

Cori paled as she realized what he was getting at. "I'm sorry." She said blotting her lips with a napkin. "Doors stay open from now on okay. I trust you, Mae, but you know." "Yes, sir." She said. "And here I thought it was him I had to worry about." Charlie grumbled as he got a beer from the fridge, walking back to the living room to watch the game as Cori's cheeks bloomed red.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now