Chapter 21

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"What are your girls plans today?" Charlie asked and Bella froze. "Gonna get a bite to eat and hang out with friends." Cori answered. "Well, have fun." He said, as oblivious as ever, the girls headed out the front door.

"By the way, I'm paying." Cori told the brunette. "What? No!" "Edward felt bad that he couldn't come. He really doesn't do well with large crowds, and well, he sent money for the both of us." Cori said smiling holding up the folded up bills, but Bella still looked hesitant. "Come on Bells. It's a burger and milk shake from the best place in town!" Cori begged, her puppy dog eyes on display that no one could say no to, and once again, they worked as Bella nodded. "But I'm paying next time." "We'll see."

Walking towards her Jeep, Bella looked confused. "We taking separate cars?" "No, just ride with me. Your truck drinks gas doesn't it?" Cori asked and Bella's wince at the question was answer enough. "I promise I won't abandon you." Cori said and she held out her pinky finger. "Pinky promise." She said and Bella laughed but wrapped her pinky around hers. "Pinky promise." Bella repeated.


"Carver Cafe, aka, my third kitchen." "Third?" Bella asked with a smile. "Esme lets me use her kitchen a lot." Cori explained but could see that Bella was still confused. "Esme is Edward's mom." "Oh." Bella said, taking in the information.

"Cori Mae!" Cora shouted out, making the red head smile. "Cora!" "Bella." Cora said politely, "You girls out on the town today?" "We came to get one of your cheeseburgers and milkshake!" Cori smiled and the waitress nodded. "Consider it done. Find you a spot girls. You want the normal?" Cora asked the red head and she nodded. "Bella? Pickles, tomatoes, onion, lettuce?" She asked. "Everything but onion please." "Alrighty, and two chocolate milkshakes?" And the girls nodded. "I'll write it up."

"You seem to know her well." Bella said as Cori guided her over to a table in the corner. "She was my babysitter/ tutor when I was younger. Since I can remember I grew up in this place." Cori said and Bella smiled. "So you've lived here all your life." "Unfortunately. I want to get out. Explore. I will after high school." Cori told her.

"I was constantly moved around. My mom, she bounced around until she finally settled in Phoenix. She met my step dad, and the rest was history I guess." "How'd you end up back here?" Cori asked. "My mom wanted to travel with Phil. He plays baseball. I was holding her back, and well I figured I would live with my dad for a bit." "And?" "What?" "How are you liking it so far?" Cori asked. "It's better than I thought it would be." Bella said, looking directly at Cori, "especially the people."

Cori smiled as her cheeks lit up. "I don't mean to divert the conversation, but are the others coming here?" Cori asked. "Uh, no." Bella said. "Okay." "That's okay, right?" Bella asked, worried she had made a mistake. "Yeah, that's actually preferred." Cori smiled and Bella smiled back, but before she could say anything, the food was put down. "There we are girls." Cora said and both girls smiled. "Thank you Cora." "Yeah, thanks." Bella said softly.

"These are really good." Bella said as she looked at Cori and let out a laugh. "What?" "You have ketchup on your nose." Bella told her and Cori wiped it off. "What if I was saving that for later?" "A snack?" "Maybe." Cori said and Bella laughed. "You're a weird one Lia." "It gets worse." Cori told her and Bella smiled. "That's reassuring."


"I was kinda surprised you guys showed up." Jessica said as she stood in front of Angela, having her zip up the back of her wet suit. "We lost track of time Jess, it's not like we fell off the planet." Cork bit back. "Should you even be going out there, you know with your broken nose and all?" She asked. "I was cleared." Was all Jessica said and Bella gently knocked her leg against Cori's.

"Bella!" A rez kid came up, smiling at her. "Hi, Jacob. Guys, this is Jacob." Bella introduced and Cori stiffened. "Hey guys, how ya doing." He asked as the girls said hi. "What are you, like, stalking me?" Bella asked the boy and Cori kept her eyes on the boy.

If she was right, this boy was the descendent of Ephraim Black, the shifter, the alpha, that the Cullens first encountered when moving to Forks all those years ago.

The boy scoffed, a smile coming to his face nonetheless, though seeming to lessen as he realize how close the two girls were. "You're on my rez, remember?" He asked and she smiled. "Are you surfing?" He asked his crush. "Definitely not." Bella smiled as she grabbed a licorice, and a package of gummies, blueberry, Angela remembering them to be Cori's favorite, handing them out. "Thanks." The two answered at the same time, almost glaring at each other.

"You guys should keep Bella company, he date bailed." Jessica said as she smirked. "What date?" Eric asked. "She invited Edward and I. Edward wasn't feeling well, but I came. So that's something." Cori said standing up for Bella as she could see the Brunette sink back into her shell.

"I think it's nice she invited them, both of them, of course, Cori, your always invited, but nobody every does." Angela said and Cori smiled at her. "Yeah, because Cullen's a freak." Mike said, the words of jealousy slipping out before he could stop them. Cori's head snapped to him, a heated glare sent his direction as a ping went off on her phone. "Piss off Mike." She growled. "You got that right." One of Jacob's friends said and Cori's anger began to bubble over.

Bella grabbed her hand, a look of disappointment on her face. "You know him?" Bella asked, hoping they would say no, and she could just blame it on the rumors she's heard. They obviously talked to people out of their circle. Cori was dating Edward for god sakes.

"The Cullens don't come here." They said and Cori stood up. "Guess that's my que." She said as the stepped between Bella and Jacob, and down onto the pavement. "Cori?" Bella asked, a worried look on her face, one that mirrored Angela's. "I'm not leaving, I'm meeting a friend. I'll be back." She told Bella, holding up her phone, sending a glare to the rest of the group, minus Angela. "Call me if you're ready to go before I get back." Cori told Bella and walking off in the direction of the residential area.

A/N: So.........  How do you think the not so date, date went? I think it went alright! Well until the others got involved. I'm so excited to introduce Sam into her life!!!!!

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now