Chapter 31

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Pulling up to the Swan house in the morning, Cori was excited to see no cars other than Bella's truck in the drive. A wide smile was plastered on her face and her good mood and thoughts got transferred over to Edward, making his mood improve. He had been worried as when he and Cori told the family that Bella was coming over, the family seemed split.

Rose and Jasper were unsure. Yes they had been around Cori, but another human would bring unneeded chaos into their lives. The others were happy, happy that the pair had finally found their third and that they would finally be able to meet the newest part of their relationship in person. When Esme started to plan a big meal was when Edward got worried. He asked them not to make this into a big production, though it seemed that it was going in that direction.

Edward stood by the car as Cori rushed to the door. He knew the energy she burned now, she would sit calmly through whatever Esme was cooking. The door opened and Bella came out, giving them both a small smile. Linking her hand with Cori's, the two girls met Edward as his car, got settled in, and headed off towards his house.

Opening the car door for the both of them Cori kissed his cheek lightly in thanks as the two girls again locked hands. It had become apparent that whenever one was nervous, the other noticed and was calmed slightly at the presence of the other.

"Wow" Bella said as she glanced around. "Pretty amazing huh?" Cori said and Edward smiled. "Yeah. Amazing's a word." Bella mumbled causing Edward to chuckle.

Edward opened the door, allowing the girls in when Cori called out quietly. "Mom, we're back." Bella's eyes slid across the glass and cream colored walls in amazement. "This is incredible." Helping her take off her jacket, Edward placed it on the bench next to Cori's school bag and her jacket. "It's so light and open, you know?" Bella said, then blushed at her phrasing. "What did you expect? Coffins and dungeons and moats?" Edward asked with a grin. "He wishes he was that cool." Cori told her and Bella laughed. "Not the moats." Bella said and Cori snorted. "Come on Bells, we practically live in a moat." Cori told her and Bella smiled.

Starting up the stairs, Edward stopped as he looked at Bella. "This is the one place we don't have to hide." "Yet somehow Jasper and Rose still hide from me." Cori said making Edward smile. "I told them not to do this." Edward told her, but Cori butted in. "I'm hungry." "You're always hungry." "So." Cori bit back and Edward chuckled. Bella looked at both of them with fond smiles. She knew they had more of a relationship that she did with either of them, but she couldn't wait to get to the point they were now.

Cori topped the stairs first, leaving Bella and Edward slightly behind her as she entered the kitchen. "Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asked. "Her name's Bella." Emmett answered. "Just because her name is Bella, doesn't mean she's Italian dork." Cori said going to stand next to Esme. "I'm sure she'll love it, no matter what." Carlisle told them and Cori smiled at him.

"You actually allowed Emmett to use a knife?" Cori asked and Emmett pointed the knife at her. "Hey!" "Not at her!" Esme cried as Emmett put the potential weapon down. "Case in point." "Please don't rial him up." Esme begged and Carlisle looked over his shoulder at them.

"Get a whiff of that." Rosalie said as all the vampire's heads raised slightly. "What?" "Your girlfriend." Emmett said as Esme cheered in her spot. "Here comes the other human." Rosalie taunted  as Carlisle shot her a look.

Esme had a wide smile on her face, and for a second, she remembered of how Edward told her that Esme was so excited to cook for someone, and she got to see this first hand, the twinkle in her eye and the joy that seemed to radiate from her.

As Bella and Edward rounded the corner, Esme met them. "Bella, we're making Italiano for you." Esme told her. "Oh, Yum." Bella said making eye contact with Cori across the room. "Bella, this is Esme. My mother for all intents and purposes." Edward told her. "Mine too!" Cori told her as Esme smiled at the redhead.

Bella spoke in Italian and Esme spoke back, making the red head confused. "They're just making pleasantries." Carlisle told her. "Oh." "You've given us a reason to use the kitchen for the first time, other than for Cori." Carlisle chuckled. "I hope you're hungry." Esme said. "Yeah, absolutely." Bella told her,but everyone, except for Cori, could hear her heart beat skip. "She already ate." Edward told them. "Edward!" Cori hissed as Bella's panicked eyes searched for her. "I'm hungry." Cori said trying to help, but it didn't seem to work.

A bowl shattered, startling the redhead, her head whipping around, a hand grasped her arm, Edward pulled her away from Rosalie and the glass that now lay at her feet.

"Perfect." "Rose-" Cori tried but the blond quieted her with a look. "Yeah, it's just that you guys don't eat..." "Of course, It's very considerate of you." Esme told her with a smile. "Just ignore Rosalie. I do." "Edward! Not helping." Cori chided. "Yeah. Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie spat and Cori's eyes grew wide. "I would never tell anybody anything." Bella told her.

Edward pulled Cori into him, feeling her grip on his arm get tighter. "She knows that. Bella, you're not the first human we've had in our midst. Without a scent, some of us forget Cordelia's humanity." Carlisle told the two girls. "Yeah, well, the problem is you three have gone public now, so..." "Emmett." Esme hushed, catching a glimpse of the teary eyed Cori.

"No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly." Rosalie said harshly. "Badly, as in... I would become the meal."

Everyone chuckled, except for Rosalie, Bella, and Cori. It was just another time she would burry inside herself that she didn't belong with them.

"Hi Bella." Alice said as she stepped off of a tree branch lightly, Jasper behind her.

Cori unraveled herself from Edwards hold, going over to Jasper, who accepted her under his arm immediately. His slightly darker golden eyes locked onto her blue ones as he felt her unease, and fear. She shook her head as she placed it slightly on his shoulder.

"I'm Alice." She said as she stepped forward, pulling Bella into a hug, as Edward tried to keep his eyes on both of his girls at once. Cori's mind was blocked from him, and he could tell something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what. Reading Jasper's mind, about her unease and fear ate at him. This was as much her house as it was his.

"Oh, you do smell good." Alice said pulling Edwards attention from Cori and onto his sister. "Alice, what are you..." "It's okay. Bella and I are gonna be great friends. Just like Cori and I." Bella nodded, uneasy as Jasper tried to send a soothing aura to everyone.

Carlisle cleared his throat, and looked at his last son. "Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said and Cori patted his chest. "Good job cowboy." She told him making everyone chuckle.

"Alright, I'm gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house. Cori?" He asked, extending his hand out to her. "I think I'll stay down here for a little bit." She said softly as he nodded, keeping eye contact for a few seconds longer, wishing she would let him in. Edward rolled his eyes at the rest of his family, bringing a small smile to Cori's face.

"Cute!" Esme gushed. "I know!" Alice said turning around to find her husband, only to notice both him and Cori were gone.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now