Chapter 8

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Edward lay Cori in his bed and placed the covers over her. "Will you stay with me?" She asked. "Of course." Edward said. "This may seem weird but when I was little and I was sick my dad would always tell me a story to help me go to sleep. Could you possibly-" "One sleep ridden story coming up" Edward said with a chuckle and a small laugh came from her causing him to smile.

"Long long ago there was a boy named Anthony Mason who lived with his mother and father. One day his parents became very ill
and fell victims to the illness. The boy Anthony eventually contracted the same illness that his parents did. He was on deaths door until a doctor saved him. He healed him in ways that others didn't understand but gave him a new life. With this new life Anthony tried very hard to be a better person, tried to please the doctor that saved him. Anthony struggled for many years until a girl came into his life and made all the struggles worth it." Edward cut off the story when he heard the soft snores of Cori. "Oh how you have changed me Cordelia."

Edward was able to slip out of the bedroom. He needed to feed. His family had done so well with Cori being here and not exposing themselves. "Alice." Edward called. Alice seemed to appear out of no where. "Will you watch over Cori for me please. I need to hunt." Edward asked of his sister. "Of course Edward." Alice said.

Edward ran out of the door being able to let his beast out as he liked to call it and feed. Cori's scent not calling to him was different , or any of them for that instance, but he didn't want it chance it.

Cori was dead asleep when her stomach leeched and in an instant she was awake and flying to the bathroom, throwing up what she had for lunch. "Cori?" The voice of Alice had come from outside the door. "I'm okay Alice." Cori said as she proceeded to get sick again. "I'll get Carlisle." The pixie haired Cullen said and seemed to vanish.
Cori cleaned herself up, washing her mouth out with water, and went back to bed, when a old newspaper clipping seemed to catch her eye that was sticking out of the night stand. Keeping to her self Cori ignored it, but she was intrigued. Taking the paper from inside the nightstand drawer, she held it carefully as it seemed to be falling apart at the cut edges. Cori read the head line and suddenly wished she had kept to herself.


And with in the small group of graduates was none other than Carlisle Cullen.

A knock sounded from the wooden door.
"Alice said you were feeling worse." The voice of Carlisle himself said as he opened the door. Cori looked at the newspaper clipping and back at the man standing at the door. "What are you people?" Cori asked shaking. "Cordelia, I promise it's not what you think."

"What I think is the man in this picture is standing in front of me only 82 years later and looks exactly the same." Cori said getting louder and more frantic, her breathing becoming erratic. Jasper stood out of sight but send calming waves to the girl.

"Cori it's okay." Alice said stepping in front of the father of the family but Cordelia's eyes were locked on his. "Are you from some freaky time line too?" Cori asked Alice never taking her eyes off of Carlisle. "Cordelia I think it is time we have a talk with you. We will not hurt you, we would never think of it. If you would come down to the living room please." Carlisle said leaving the room.

When he left Cori started to shake. "Where is Edward?" Cori asked Alice not looking at her which broke the girls non beating heart. "He is out at the moment." Alice said quietly. "It's like 6pm. What could he possibly be doing in the town of Forks at 6pm?" Cori asked her rhetorically. "He will be back very shortly." Alice said as she left the room.

Slowly Cordelia made her way down stairs to see all the Cullens in the living room waiting for her as Edward came through the front door. "What happened?" He asked. "You forgot to put away your reading material." Rose hissed at Edward. It startled Cori making her jump. "Rosalie! Cori please come join us dear." Esme said.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now