Chapter 33

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"Hello?" "Hey carrot top." "Dad!"


"What are you getting all dressed up for?" Edward asked as he saw Cori in nice pair of jeans and a paint free shirt. "My dad called last night." "Yeah?" "He's coming down for the weekend, and he wanted to have super at the diner." "That's great Cori. You said you had been missing him." "Yeah. He had a weekend free and wanted to spend it with me. He said Victoria was off on an extended business trip." "Victoria?" "His new girlfriend." "Oh." "Yeah. Surprised me when I found out too." She told him and he chuckled. "Do I look okay?" "It's dinner with your father. You look perfect, love." "Thanks. I'm supposed to meet him there and I have about thirty minutes. I gotta go. Love you!" She said kissing his cheek. "Love you more." He called after her, enjoying as he could hear her heart beat race with those few words.


"Bella?" Cori asked as she pulled into the parking lot, her Jeep parked right next to the truck. "Lia? What are you doing here?" "My dad and I are supposed to meet for supper. What about you?" "Same. Did you want to sit together?" Bella asked and Cori paused. "Let me see what my dad says." "Okay. We always sit in the booth in the front." "Okay!"

"Deli, Arizona, yo, what's happening?" Mike asked as he and his friends were throwing around a football in front of the diner. "So you, Deli, and Cullen together, huh? That's, I don't like it." "It's a good thing we didn't ask you then isn't it Mike." Cori asked as she stepped into the Cafe, the girls going to separate, but finding their father's talking in the same booth.

"Dad?" They both said at the same time. "Hey Carrot Top. I was catching up with my old friend Charlie here. Bella, he's your old man? I feel sorry for ya." Jonas Austin chuckled a bit. "Well Charlie, it was nice talking to ya. I think my daughter and I are gonna grab us a bite to eat." Jonas said, but Charlie cut in. "Please. Sit with us, you guys are friends right girls?" Charlie asked and Cori snorted. "Yeah, you could say that." She said as the two looked at each other.

Jonas looked up at his daughter, a smirk on his face as he realized how she looked at the girl next to her. Cori blushed and as usual Charlie was oblivious.

The girls sat down and Charlie letting Bella know he had ordered her the spinach salad. "Maybe order one for yourself Chief. Get away from all that stake." Cori told him. "Hey, I'm as healthy as a horse." He told her, pointing the newspaper he had folded in his hand at him. Cori giggled as a plate got set down in front of her. A cheeseburger and waffle fries plus a cup of tartar sauce. "You remembered!" She smiled at her father, holding up the cup of tartar sauce.

Jonas got a plate of stake and potatoes, almost an exact copy of Charlie's order. Thanking Cora, the waitress, but instead of walking away to another table, she stayed around. "Say, Chief, the boys want to know, did you find anything down by Queets River today?" She asked as the men in the booth behind them turned slightly to hear, and Cori cringed, sliding closer to Bella.

Charlie paused, thinking over his answer, and how everyone in the restaurant knew or heard or Waylon, he had to tread carefully.

"Yeah. We found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is, is headed east, so Kitsap County sheriff is gonna take over from here. Okay?" Charlie said and the dinner was quiet. "Okay. I just hope they catch him fast." Cora said sadly, the men turning around and going back to their plates.

Cori went to take a drink from her glass of lemonade, almost spewing it as Mike started to dance stupidly in front of the window. "A friend of yours?" Her father asked. "Unfortunately." Cori muttered making Bella smile. "It's okay if you wanna go join them, I'm just gonna turn in early anyway." Charlie said looking at Bella's flushed face. "Me too."

"Bella, it's Friday night. Go out. Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you." "I don't think you're supposed to tell us that, Chief." Cori said and Charlie waved her off. "Yeah, plus he's just a good buddy. And Lia's busy tonight so..." Bella sighed. "I'm your source of social interaction Bells? I don't know whether to be proud or worried." Cori smiled and Jonas smiled at the two girls.

"What about any of these other yahoos in town?" Charlie asked. "What about the yahoo's out of town? Not good enough?" Cori teased and the Chief shook his head.  "No yahoo's, and dad, we gonna talk about boys? In front of Lia and her dad?" Bella asked, her face bright red. "I'm sure Mae knows everything anyway." Charlie grumbled and Cori smiled. "I do."

"It's not nice to brag. And yeah I guess not." Charlie said as he cut up some stake. "I feel like I leave you alone too much. You should be around people." Charlie stated and Cori felt bad for the man. She knew how he was feeling, but he was doing his best.

"I don't really mind being alone. Plus I've got Lia most of the time. I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way." Bella told him and Cori grabbed her hand from under the table. Cori could feel the stare of her own father, but couldn't meet his eye.


"So, how long have you two been dating?" Jonas asked his daughter as soon as the door had closed to the house. "What?" She asked, her head snapping back to face him. "You and Bella. Together?" Jonas said and Cori stayed silent. "Baby, you can tell me. I pick up on more than you think, funny enough more than a cop. It must be the painters eye. The way you looked at each other, you held her hand under the table, your chemistry. It's different. Good, but different." Jonas told her and Cori continued to be quiet.

"Carrot?" "Yes we're together, all three of us!" Cori blurted out. "I knew it!" He said then noticed how nervous Cori looked. "Cori, I knew this was a possibly, and I'm not mad. I'm happy for you baby. Have you told anyone else?" He asked. "Carlisle and Esme know." "Good. Go at your own pace. I know it will be a shock to Charlie, but he will come around. He loves you like another daughter. It's hard not too." He told her and she hugged him. "Thanks dad." "Your welcome Carrot."

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now