Chapter 53

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Months had went by, and by months, the exact number was three.

Four numbers would show up on Cordelia's phone. Three would call, one would text, all of them she would ignore.

The list of things Cori hadn't done was beginning to add up.

Eating a solid meal, taking showers regularly, having social interaction other than her father when he would escape Seattle for the weekend to see her, him talking and her sometimes listening.

She hadn't touched her sketch book in months, her charcoal and pastels for even longer. Her favorite books began to get a layer of dust on them as did her pillow, as she couldn't seem to sleep in her bed. It reminded her of him.

She didn't sleep much anyway, getting a few hours here and there, always in her chair, and always screaming herself awake from night terrors that would haunt her, even when she was awake. Her eyes held a permanent hollowness to them as dark circles made their home under her eyes. Her beautiful blue hues had dimmed into a pale gray, her skin had turned almost translucent with the amount of sun she had gotten.

Jonas Austin had given the Chief a key to his house, asking Charlie to check up on Cordelia for him when he was out of town. The father had tried to be be there more, he really had, coming home most weekends, even turning the old garage into a studio to do his smaller pieces.

He had found that Cordelia was slowly pulling away from him. He remembered how Esme had told her of Cori's abandonment issues, and had tried to think of what to do to help his daughter, but he had no clue. Every offer he gave to her came with a heated glare, a roll of her eyes, or a witty remark, but hey, at least she was talking.

Jonas had pulled Cordelia out of public school, allowing the girl to do home schooling until she improved. It wasn't that she wouldn't, it was that she couldn't go to school. Everything reminded her of him, and the second she would think about him, think about his words, his actions, his deception, Cordelia would get violently ill.

So months had went by and the people of Forks Washington, especially her friends began to worry. The Austin girl who lived alone, who was always so happy even through her unfortunate situation, was she okay? Was she alive? More importantly, what happened?


"Alright, that's it." Charlie told his daughter. "What?" "You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother." "I'm not leaving Forks." Bella said her eyes focusing on a house just down the road. "Bella, he's not coming back." Charlie told her softly. Bella deflated slightly at the words. "I know. But Lia-."

"She's worse than you are. You need to work on you before you try to reach out." Charlie told her. "She hasn't text me back." Bella told her father softly and he nodded. "I know, but this behavior. It's just not normal. Quite frankly it's scaring the hell out of me and your mother. Baby, I don't want you to leave. I don't, but just go. Go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends." Charlie told her, trying to avoid the topic of the Austin girl.

"I like my old friends. I also like my girlfriend that hasn't responded to me, and has been pulled out of school. What's going on dad? I know you go over there." "It's complicated. And well, you never see your old friends anymore." " I do. I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow with Jessica. If Lia would text me back-" Bella said, drifting off at then end. It had been almost three months of texting her girlfriend, and getting radio silence.

"You hate shopping." Charlie stated. "I-I need a girls' night out." "Alright. Girls night. Shopping. I like it. Go buy some stuff." Charlie told Bella awkwardly.

As Bella drove off to school, Charlie glanced over to the house that he hadn't visited in a few days. Jonas had been back, but he left last night. The house would have looked abandoned if he hadn't known there was a girl living inside.

Her Jeep hadn't been moved in months, the grass had grown up and around the tires then died as winter came. Walking down the street, he knocked before he entered, using the key on his ring to get in. "Mae?" He asked aloud. Silence was heard. He almost hated to go upstairs. He didn't want to wake her if she was actually getting sleep.

He climbed the stairs as quietly as possible, only a few squeaks being heard. "Mae?" He called out again, and again he was met with silence. It wasn't abnormal. This is how it had been in the house since they left. It seemed like they had taken the girl with them, just as they hard done with his own daughter.

Getting to her room, Charlie knocked before entering. "Mae, it's me, Charlie." He said as he opened the door. Cori was sat in her chair like normal, the teddy bear her father had gotten her when she was younger was in her arms as she seemingly stared out the window. "Mae?" Her head turned a fraction of an inch, just enough to allow the man she was listening.

"Do you need anything? Water? Food?" "A will to live." She whispered to him, her voice cracking. Charlie frowned at the words. "Cordelia-" "Why didn't he want me?" She asked. "I don't know." Charlie told her as he wrapped an arm around her, Cori stiffening at the touch.

Charlie looked over to see the food that was left by her father had been untouched. "Come on Mae, you've got to do better. For yourself, not for anyone else." Charlie told her. "Why?" "Because you have to. He is not who you are. You are your own person. Be that person for you, not for anyone else." He told her, only for it to be quiet for a bit, before he felt her head lean against him. "Thanks."

A/N: My heart of slowly being torn apart. Poor Cori! Can we take a moment to appreciate the moments between Charlie and Cori though.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now