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Ao'nungs pov
(This is just before y/n flies off on her ikran)

I don't know why I did it.

I guess I felt I had to get lo'ak back after the whole fight.

I know I shouldn't have done it and I wish I didn't because the thing is I don't care about lo'ak but I care if y/ns mad at me.

I mean she is going to be mad at me because it would be weirder if she wasn't.

I'm scared she won't forgive me though.

The sullys are all in panic around the clearing.

Tuk, neytiri, jake and my dad all gathered around talking about what to do.

Neteyam and kiri are with eachother and y/n is...

Where the fuck is she.

I snap my head round in every direction and she's not there, neteyam realises at the time as me.

"Mother where has y/n gone?" He calls out to neytiri clearly getting more worried but not a second later everyone sees an ikran flying above us.

My face drops and I start kicking myself in my head.

Everyone is stunned into silence.

I put my head in my hands and start praying to eywa that they will both come back.


It's been 15 minutes and no sign of them.

What if there gone, what if she's gone.

That can't happen.

I need her. I know we aren't anything but I have a gut feeling that she is meant to be mine and I've gone and messed it all up.

I could have killed two people.

I don't know what to do.


(Back to y/ns pov)

My eyes flutter open but everything's out of focus, I blink hard twice and it starts to clear up.

What had happened?

The last thing I remember is flying back and then nothing.

I'm startled when ronals face is right infront of mine.

"How do you feel?" She says in a very calm tone. As I'm about to answer I get distracted when many random arms crowd around me and hug me.

I sit up and look who's around me, hugging me. It was my whole family, that was comforting.

Without realising I'm crying into my family's arms. It's not that it was something to cry about I just get overwhelmed when too much happens and that makes me cry.

But I'm not just overwhelmed.

I'm angry, confused and still in pain a bit.

I'm not going to focus on that now I'm just gonna spend this precious moment with my family as we are rarely like this anymore.



It's only like this cuz I don't know but I'm making another one right now it's just cuz I wanted to okay.

Remember I also have a neteyam love story on my thing and thank you if you read this

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