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"I love your nan" Ao'nung smiles down at me once we left my grandmother to go back to her herbal remedies.

"I know you do" I giggle because they had such good banter it's like there gonna be best friends and leave me out.

"What are we doing now then?" He asks curiously as I hold his hand tightly and walk with him.

"I'm gonna show you my uncle and then the dinner" I respond smiling up to him.

"Oh yh I forgot to tell you but like I promised I've been visiting neteyam everyday and he said he loves and misses you and can't wait till you visit him"

Sudden tears rushed to my eyes with the sweetness of what Ao'nung just said.

I stop walking as i process whag he says and look up at him with my glistening eyes from the water.

"I don't deserve you" I smile up at him and lean in for a slow soft kiss.

He pulls away "you made me this person y/n. I changed from being rude to nice for you and only ever you"

I melt at his words and carry on walking so he doesn't see the blush that crept onto my cheeks.

"I know your blushing" he says laughing a little bit at my sudden faster pace of speed.

"Shush" i hiss out.

In a few minutes we arrived at the soul tree hand in hand and I can't lie I'm a little nervous because u don't know what my uncle would say.

I take a deep breath in and out as I hold on of the strands of the tree.

"You ready?" I ask Ao'nung as he begins to grab his braid from behind him.

"As ready as I'll ever be" he smirks and we both connect to the tree.

Within a few seconds I'm stood on the ground in the forest with tsu'tey on my right and Ao'nung on my left.

"I was wondering when I was gonna meet you" my uncle says jokingly extending a hand out to Ao'nung.

Ao'nung shakes it a little wearily as my uncle stood quite a bit taller than my Ao'nung which I think intimidated him a litttle bit.


The meeting between him and my uncle went very well, it started of a little awkward but they soon found a common interest and that was there hate towards the sky people.

Me and Ao'nung were beginning to sit down at the table for dinner.

It was a massive long table that could hold like 16 people.

Those people were me, ao'nung, Tuk, kiri, lo'ak, Tsireya, mum, dad, tonowari, mo'at, spider, roxto, jan'li, aalin, haktu and two of lo'aks friends.

Tonowari and my dad sat at the ends of the table and I was sat in the middle with Ao'nung on my left, haktu on my right and then my two other friends infront of us.

There were platters upon platters that were being prepared all day by various people.

Everyone was all involved in there own conversation as we all piled food into our plates.

"Ao'nung do you think I would like the reef" jan'li asks curious and secretly eyeing up roxto, the one I mentioned could be fit for her.

"Jan'li you don't wanna do it it's so hard trying to live there" I exaggeratedly interrupt Ao'nung before could make a reply.

"Oh I bet you were amazing" haktu compliments before taking an arm around my shoulders.

I look at him with a quizzical expression before shrugging his arm off.

I turn back to my friends but in the corner off my eye I see Ao'nungs jaw stiffen with anger and jealousy.

I grab his hand that was under that table and squeezed it a few times letting him know that it's fine.

I put a little more food onto my plate.

"So Ao'nung how long you staying?" Aalin questions curiously.

"For a couple days" Ao'nung replies calming down a little bit.

"Alr, I'm going spearfishing tomorrow if you wanna come?" Aalin offers looking up at him with a small smile.

It warms my heart that he's trying ti make an effort with Ao'nung and I can see them being mates in future just like my brother and Aalin were.

"Honey can you pass that plate" my mother calls out distracting me from the previous conversation and grabbing the plate and giving it to my mother.

"I'll come with you guys" haktu invites himself and I can see the uncomfortable expression that appears on Aalins face.

"Mate I think it should just be me and Ao'nung because I don't want to overwhelm him since he's new to this environment" Aalin tries rejecting it in the nicest way possible because I know Ao'nung would not like haktu being there either.

"Alr no worries. Me and bug can go for a ride on our ikran" he says in a suggestive way and I can see the look on jan'lis face which is the exact same as mine, confusion.

Ao'nung goes stiff again at the nickname "I don't think y/n wants to do that" he snaps back.

"I've known her longer than you have so I think I would know her better than you" he retorts, chuckling a little bit but no one was laughing.

My siblings begin looking over as the voices start to rise.

"You don't know fucking shit" Ao'nung smirks at his words because he knows he knows me better.

"Let's just calm down-" I begin to say before I'm cut of my haktu standing up and shoving Ao'nung as he's still sat down which flips a switch in him.

Ao'nung quickly gets up and punches him across the face making him stumble back a few paces.

Haktu grabs his face in hurt before launching himself at ao'noung.

It all happened so quick, multiple punches were exchanged before my dad was splitting them up.


Not the best sorry I've just been in a rush to make somehting for you guys

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