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Before my dad could say a word I was dragging ao'nung by his arm away from the gathered crowd.

Once I had gotten out of ear shot I turn to him and shove him.

"What the fuck was that!" I yell at him in pure frustration.

"He started it!" Ao'nung snaps raising his arms up to exagerare his point.

"I dont fucking care if he started it. Now this is going to be the only thing the clan speak of because of your prick move!" I continue yelling at him.

I start shoving him backwards letting all my pent up anger release itself.

Tears start streaming down my face as I let all my emotions go.

"Hey hey hey hey" he rushes out grabbing both of my arms gently, stopping me from pushing him again.

He pulls me into a tight hug, holding the back of my head.

"I'm sorry" he whispers in my ear, stroking my head, trying to calm me down.

"My father will be so angry" I huff out soaking Ao'nungs chest with my tears.

To be honest I don't really know why I'm crying, it happens a lot when I'm angry, it just all comes out.

"Mine will too" he solemnly replies, starting to realise his own actions.

"It's okay I'll try and help you explain. Sorry about the shoving" I whisper back to him.

~2 years later~

Since that little fight a lot has happened.

Me and Ao'nung are both 18 which is still so young but we both feel so much older know that we have a child together.

We had our baby and it was a boy, we both decided to call him Taranete. We added nete to his name for the reminder of my brother.

Taranete is now almost two and he is a really wild toddler who just loves everyone.

Me and Ao'nung also both decided since we were having a baby that we needed to live together in the same place, so he moved to the forest but we visit the reef very often.

It had been quite a rough couple of years because I was mourning my brother a lot but I finally accepted his death and whenever I'm with the metkayina clan I go and visit him in there soul tree.

My mother and father decided not to start attacking the sky people as we wanted peace, especially while Taranete was growing up.

They are the best grandparents to him and they would literally do anything for him and with him.

My little baby sister, Tuk is now 10 and she's grown a lot and even though Taranete is a lot younger she loves playing with him.

My grandmother, mo'at was the most supportive of everything me and Ao'nung decided to do and she had the best bond with my son.

Lo'ak is now 16 and much taller and stronger than everyone in our family, he is still very much in love with Tsireya but she hasn't moved to the forest because tonowari and Ronal still thinks shes too young.

I do feel for lo'ak though because I know that he put a lot of pressure on himself to make sure that he's the fastest and strongest.

Not just in our family but the whole clan. He really wanted to be the great warrior he believed neteyam to be.

But the best little friend of my son is Ao'nungs little brother called Yolak who is just a few months older than Taranete.

Kiri has gained some friends and I'm so happy for her, she's also developed her gift from eywa a lot.

Nothing has happened between spider and kiri but its still very flirty and I'm not sure how I feel about it considering he is still human.

Some drama happened though.

Basically haktu ended up going a little crazy and obsessive with me and so my father and Ao'nung decided he should be banished from the clan.

He did a lot of weird stuff.

He would sneak into mine and Ao'nungs hut to watch me sleep and he would always threaten that if I didn't get with him he would kill himself.

That's obviously not the person I want around me when I have a child.

I also don't think I have ever loved Ao'nung more because he is the best dad and he would literally take a bullet for him.

My other friends Jan'li and aalin have since gotten together and it's like me and jan'li are dating best friends because Ao'nung and aalin are so close.

Even closer than Ao'nung and roxto and thats saying something because there practically brothers.

Roxto is seen as a uncle to my child and he visits often but he still lives over at the reef.

Something sad has happened since two years ago and that's that Kilanta was found dead floating in the water.

They assumed it was suicide because she had ate a lot of a poisonous berries.

When that happened it really infuriated me because we all know she did it because of neteyams death but I never thought that was fair.

First of all he was nothing but a love that you dated for a few weeks.

Second she wasn't even there to witness his death.

Thirdly it's selfish because she had a choice to carry on living but neteyam didnt and i bet you everything on this planet that neteyam would choose to stay alive.

Anyway that's past history, it didn't affect me that much because I never knew her well.


Guys it's going to get proper interesting from here on out so keep on reading and that was just a catch up bu the way.

Hope you enjoyed it

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