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I start running to the lab when I completely forgot what time I was meeting up with kiri, spider and lo'ak.

Picking them herbs with haktu took a lot longer than I thought.

I quickly open the lab door and head in.

I see them all hovering over human norm and I go and join them.

"Look who finally decided to show up" lo'ak jokily snaps at me as he sees me stand around norm too.

"Oh great another child to ask me absurd questions" norm huffs out frustratedly and raising his hands up for dramatic effect which made me laugh.

I've known him for my whole life and he was actually so funny when he was frustrated and it was almost to easy to make him flustered.

"Oh what have you been saying to poor norm" I say pouting my lips out acting like I'm actually serious.

"Asking if he is kiris dad" spider laughs out and I see norm go into complete confusion of why they would say that.

"Don't say those things!" I exclaim

"Yes lo'ak listen to your sister" norm says turning to face lo'ak with a pointed finger at him.

"But seriously though are you" I quickly whisper out and he heavily sits back in his chair and sighs very over exaggeratedly.

"Right all of you headaches leave my lab" he says smiling even though we all know he was serious which made us all laugh.

"Oh come on dad that's not nice" kiri humour oi sly whines out crossing her arms in a pretend tantrum.

"Yh dad" we all chime in copying kiri in crossing our arms.

"How jake deals with you all remains a mystery to this day" he amusingly hums out.

"Oh I don't" my dad says smiling as he walks through the door and I can actually hear the sigh of relief that norm has.

"Your children are devilish" norm whines out standing up walking over to my father with an arm pointing to the four of us hovering at over the chair he was in.

"Tell me about it" he laughs and then we let them have there moment.


(A couple days later)

I'm with jan'li in the communal baths that were naturally filtered out so there was no dirt.

When I say baths I really mean like a pond but it's clear water.

It was early in the morning so not that many people had come out yet.

"So obviously we know about your baby and a basic run down of what happened over there but I'm gonna need who the dad is because I need to know if I support or not" she smiles her big smile.

It seems no matter what she always has a big smile o her face but I know that she doesn't like opening up and she leaves that to when she's alone.

I've only seen her breakdown a few times and it teuely was heartbreaking to see what I had been unaware of so now I make sure u tryely jiw how she is.

"Okay well because he's part of the metkayina clan he had this teal skin and the prettiest eyes you ever did see and he had abs" I kiss him already, god why is love so complicated.

"And personality he's like the type of person that's mean to everyone else but has a soft spot for you" I smile jusg thinking about it.

"Oh I know you love that in a guy" she says fully invested and it's actually refreshing having someone that would take such a small thing and make it a big deal.

"And he loves me and I love him and there's something else" I almost whisper to her with such a big smile on my face because I can just imagine how she's going to react.

"Omg what" she says with a devilish smile waiting for the gossip to be spilled.

"Not only did we have sex but we mates as well" I giggle out.

Her face completely drops in shock and she raises a hand out the water and dramatically puts it on my shoulder.

"No you did not!" You can barely make out the words because she's squealing so high pitched.

I vigorously nod and we both burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing we had ever heard.

God I love her so much.

"Okay so do you think there's anyone for me?" She asks winking at me pretending to be flirty.

"Um I guess I could try and hook you up with roxto" I smile just thinking about them together, it would be a bit of an odd couple but u kind of ship it.

"I like that name roxto" she says moving her arms aorund making he water ripple.

"Oh I forgot to tell you about something that happened to me because I've literally been so engrossed in your life I've not even thought about mine buttt" she drags it out

"What?" I snap out wondering what on earth could have happened because it could range from holding hands with someone to killing someone and both are surprisingly likely.

"Me and aalin kinda happened for a little bit" she giggles

"Your kidding"

"No I'm not" she laughs a little and goes serious faced to show that she's not joking.

"What when I met up with him he didn't mention you and we have you only just told me. Okay never mind that question what happened" I rush out my voice getting increasingly higher like her did.

"Well we went flying together and he said I want to take you to a spot I like to chill and I was like okay and we got there it was like this tree and it hung of the side of a mountain and it looked over a waterfall"

"And so we both sit on it and the conversation starts getting like really deep and personal and in that moment I was like 7 year old me who was obsessed with him and I kissed him"

"And he kissed me back and then one thing led to another and you know how that goes and then we didn't really talk after and it went awkward"

I try to process the information that she had just given me.

"How dare you not get pregnant from it but I do" I snap out because why is it always me.

"Who knows I could be!" She says and then she actually starts thinking about what she said and scared herself.

"Wait when was this" I ask curiously

"3 weeks ago"

My mouth drops back open.

"You could totally be pregnant girl omg we could have babies around the same time" I smile just thinking off the idea.

"If I am I may as well just kill myself before my mum does" she jokes it but I know that if she really was her mum would have an abusive reaction.

"My mum wanted too" I laugh.


Don't worry Ao'nung and y/n are gonna be reunited in the next one and there's gonna be a whole bunch of drama so be prepared.

I'm also thankful to everyone who read this 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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