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I break the bond from the soul tree and go straight back to my previous feelings just with more problems.

My brothers dead and now I'm fucking pregnant.

I swim to the surface and meet Ao'nungs face and I think he thinks I'm still sad about my brothers death, which I am but right now there's an even bigger problem at hand.

When I imagined Ao'nung with toddlers I didn't mean my own.

We are both 16.

"Are you okay-" I cut off Ao'nung quickly

"We are fucked" I whisper scared to see his possibly reaction.

I call my ilu and sit on it staring at Ao'nungs confused face.

"What do you mean?" He says also calling his ilu.

"Can we go to the cove and talk about this" i rush out starting to get panicked.

I try to calm myself down with my breathing but when has that shit ever fucking worked.

He nods anxiously and we start making our way to the cove and I go faster than normal which I can feel he picks up on.


We get to the cove and I grab his arm and pull him in and tears are now flowing down my eyes because my parents are going to kill me.

"Y/n what's happened?" Ao'nung asks watching me pace around.

"I don't know how to say it"

"Your not making any sense" Ao'nung pesters

"So basically please don't be mad at me because it's not my fault as well as it's not yours well it's both of our faults but that's another story but so neteyam told me that I was going to like-" I'm cut off when Ao'nung grabs my arms stopping me.

"Your saying a lot but not actually saying what I asked" he says.

I pull my arms from his hands and wipe my tears.

"He told me that I'm pregnant" I cry out and like mine his face drops and I can see the wheels turning in his head.

I beg of eywa he isn't mad at me but it's likely because fuck what are we gonna do.

It's not even like neteyam could be here to support me when I tell mum and dad or somehthing and this is a fuckinh joke.

I turn around because I don't want to see his face because only one person can take so much.

"Y/n im not gonna freak out on you. You can turn around" he says almost irritated that I would think he would be mad.

I slowly turn around and he sees the tears coming from my eyes and pulls me into a hug.

"It'll be okay" he reassures me and draws calming circles on my back.

"Like I said before it's not. My brothers dead and now I'm pregnant!" I say raising my voice in frustration.

"It's eywas way of bringing him back to us"

"How are you so calm with this. Our parents are going to kill us!" I reply pulling back from the hug.

"Listen. It'll be okay" he says smiling softly and it just makes me want to cry even more and I don't know why.

So many emotions going through me and none of them necessarily being good.

I need to tell my mum.

She would understand best out of everyone.

She's like nete but I can't rely on someone that is dead.

"I'm gonna tell my mum" I say sounding less shaky now.

He nods very slightly and stands back letting me go.

I can feel that he's reassuring me but I know deep down he's just as anxious as me but wants to cover it for me.

I begin to leave the cove and a sudden sense of dizziness overcomes me.


This is this chapter hope you liked it if not I understand why

I appreciate if you read this, commented, voted and or even followed me.

We still have a long journey to go with this story so don't worry

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