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I was with Ao'nung in the cove because we haven't been able to speak about everything so we thought we should.

"I can't believe the one time we have sex I get pregnant" I mutter to him.

"I'd do it again" he laughs grabbing my hand and intertwining it in his.

He kisses each of my knuckles repeatedly making me fold into his affection.

"You know you have me wrapped around your finger" I say giggling a little because it's true.

"Good girl" Ao'nung mumbles starting to trail the kisses down my arm.

Heat rushes to my cheeks with his words and I melt under his touch.

"Say that again" I beg of him wanting more.

"Or what" he says starting to lean over me.

He pulls away and starts to gently kiss my lips.

I grab the back of his head pulling him closer to me and our kiss only got hungrier.

I was deprived of his touch and I need as much of it as I could get.

I open my mouth slightly so that his tongue could enter and we share eachothers breathe as we make out.

He starts to leave sloppy kisses down my body from my chest down to my stomach which now held a baby.

He stopped at my stomach which had little to no bump and looked up into my eyes that were filled with many different emotions.

He was going to carry on but a sudden immense of sadness for my brother falls over me.

"Stop" I whisper pulling him off of me.

He looks at me with concerned eyes and I can't help but sob.

His death was still too fresh.

"It's okay it's okay" he hums bringing me into a hug trying to calm me down.

This knot in my throat appears making it hard for me to breathe.

"I can't breathe" I choke out, hyperventilating.

I was having a panic attack.

I used to have them quite often when I was younger and neteyam always knew how to help me.

But he's not here.

Why did I have to ruin a good moment.

Ao'nung grabs my shoulders holding me steady and tries to get me to breathe with him.

"Try and breathe slowly" Ao'nung says calmly.

I try but my breathing only gets faster and shallower.

"He dead Ao'nung" I sob putting my head into his shoulder letting him hold me.

"I know" he hums in my ear, stroking my hair.

"I don't want to live without him" my tears fall onto him and he only sighs in reply not sure what would comfort me most.

(Before I carry on with the story I have a question for my story. So I have a lot left planned but would you want me to do a time skip till after the baby's been born or not?)

"I know but something to make you even worse is your stuck with me for the rest of your life" I pull back to see him smiling.

"It's gonna be such a long sad life then" I sniffle out still crying a little bit.

He puts a hand to his chest and pretends to be offended "how dare you. Well I didn't want to spend it with you either" he jokes.

"Yh right"


Please answer my question because it would be very helpful in the making of my story.

(Before I carry on with the story I have a question for my story. So I have a lot left planned but would you want me to do a time skip till after the baby's been born or not?)

There's the question again if you didn't see it.


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