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~Y/Ns pov~

The calming black that I was just in for minutes started to turn back to colour.

It's very blurry but it's a lot of blue.

I almost miss the peace of the black but I guess eywa has chosen me to come back.

But was I really ever gone and this just a weird dream. To be honest I don't really know anymore.

My vision gets better each second and I'm starting to feel in control of my body once again.

I can move my fingers and my ears can twitch.

My sound starts coming back to me as well but it's very muffled.

Almost in an instant my eye sight is as clear as day and I'm surrounded by my family all crowding around me with worried looks around there face.

All of there mouths are moving but I can't hear them so I just stare at them confusedly.

It slowly starts coming back to me and I'm starting to hear what there saying.

"Honey are you okay?" My mothers voice calls out and I feel her warm hands hold my cheeks in worry.

I nod because I don't know if I can talk and I don't really want to.

I sit up and I feel many of my family members hands hold me so I don't fall I don't know.

All of my family is here, apart from neteyam obviously.

I look around and I'm not in a familiar place.

"Where am I?" I whisper to my family.

"Your in the Tonowaris and ronals home" lo'ak says back to me.

"Where's Ronal then?" I question because it would be weird that I just wake up here with all my family in someone else's house unwillingly.

"Ronal had to talk to Ao'nung or something but that doesn't matter right now" my dad responds, smiling softly at my safety.

I don't really know what happened to me.

"What happened?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Ronal says that you over hyperventilated that you passed out" kiri says softly.

I thought I was dying not passing out.

That makes me feel a little stupid but um yh im not gonna tell anyone about that.

I slowly start to stand up and I'm met with two small arms wrap around my waist.

I look down to Tuk clinging onto me like her life depended on it.

"You alright Tuk?" I ask her giggling a little.

She nods vigorously only grabbing on tighter to me making my family laugh.

She was such a silly girl.

Me and my family start to leave ronals home when her voice calls out to me.

"Y/n can I talk to you"

My family carry on walking not thinking anything of it and I turn around to meet a serious Ronal.

"Yes?" I nicely ask smiling a little but inside im kinda scared because i don't want her to be mad at me.

"Follow me" Ronal says leading me into a room of there home where Ao'nung is sat with his head hung low and his hands clasped together.


She knows doesn't she.

"Sit" Ronal stands infront of me and Ao'nung as I sit next to him not daring to look at him.

"I know" she says to the room crossing her arms.

My stomach drops and I begin to feel a bit sick but I just think that's my mind playing tricks on me

I keep silent waiting for someone else to say something but I don't think Ao'nungs going to say anything.

"And I'm annoyed. Very annoyed with the both of you because you are so young and don't think for one second I'm not" Ronal says very seriously glaring both of us down.

"But we can't change the past so I will help you" she states softer than before.

I look up to her a little shocked by what she said because I thought she would be the one it give us the most grief if she ever found out.

I look over to Ao'nungs who is sharing the same look.

"Thank you Ronal" i exclaim happy that it's not going to be as bad as I thought.

"I'm still disappointed in the both of you. You should have known better than to do something so life changing at this age!" She utters mostly to herself.

"So mother what do we do" Ao'nung asks curiously.

"Well you will love that child because I believe that's eywas way of bringing your brother back to you" she says looking at me with sincere eyes.

I smile at her and gives a very quick and small smile in return before going back to her serious face.

That's not what I expected but I appreciate her so much.

One parent down.

Three to go.

My mother next.


I hope you liked this chapter I didn't but yh.

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