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~one week later~

I've met up with one of my friends almost everyday because it's just a helpful distraction and my bonds with all of them have been better than ever.

I've taken the time to get to know Aalin better than I did before because he was neteyams best mate and I would like to keep him close.

And I'm the most excited I've been in a while because norm is currently taking his helicopter over to the metkayina clan and picking Ao'nungs family up.

From what I know ronal isn't going because she's just had the baby but I'm still gonna see Ao'nung.

It's gets better though because today we are having a massive dinner with all my family, there family and all our friends.

So that means aalin, haktu and jan'li are all coming and it's gonna be great because I get to introduce Ao'nung to all of them.

To be honest not much has changed with me physically yet so most of the time I forget I'm even pregnant which is weird but true.

I still feel a bit numb to the whole situation like it's not actually happeneing and it's all just one big mind fuck.

It was still really early in the morning and I was just chopping some fruit with my mother in our proper home.

"Honey I know I apologised before but I truely am sorry about the way I reacted, I was just overwhelmed" she turns her head to look at me and smiles.

"I know mother you don't have to be sorry because I would so much rather have neteyam back than this stupid fucking baby" I start to burst down in pent up emotion towards my unborn child.

She immediately scowls drops her knife and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Don't say such things. We may not have neteyam with us anymore but I believe you and him came from the passings of my brother and sister and I strongly believe with all my heart that neteyam is coming back to us with this child" she gives me a small smile.

She brings me into a hug before pulling back away.

"You will be surprised by the lengths you would go to protect your child and make them happy" she says pulling me back into a long comfortable hug.

This whole time I've had people say it's neteyam coming back to me but for some reason I don't believe that and I don't know why.

"Do you know when they'll get here?" I say pulling away and going back to cutting the fruit.

"Well norm left in the early hours in the morning to get them so any time soon!" She replies also going back to cutting.

"Norms such a legend" I laugh out, when I think about it he's literally always been here like even when kiri had her seizure norm was here in no time to save her.

My mum only nods in response because I don't think she has much of an opinion on him, she doesn't for any humans apart from spider who I know she openly dislikes.

My ears prick up at the horn of them coming back and I immediately drop my knife and start running to where they will land.

"I'll help you after" I call after mum as I leave our shelter.

"I know you won't" my mother snaps back with those mum eyes but I know she's just joking.

I hear the helicopter somewhere in the distance.

I see my brother also running towards the helipad outside the lab that it would land.

Once we get there I see my father stood very sternly already there.

The helicopter soon lands and the family I knew a hit too well get off of it.

Ao'nung comes running to me straight away and spins me around as he picks me up in a hug.

When he stands still I wrap my arms around his neck and look into the eyes that I haven't seen for so long, it brings a big stupid smile to myself.

Ao'nung smiles at my happiness and of his own and brings me into a very tight hug.

It was such a perfect moment yet no words were even spoken.

"I've missed you so much" I finally whisper into his ear as I rise up on my tiptoes to reach.

He only hums in response because he's enjoying the moment a little to much.

I pull away which makes him scowl a little but he takes my hand instead and holds it like he's never going to let go and I hope he doesn't.

I look around and Tsireya and lo'ak are standinv very excitedly infront of eachother talking about everything exciting that may have happened in the time we weren't together.

I see Tonowari and my father in a bit of a playful discussion which makes me smile at there sudden bond.

I see Ao'nung beckon over roxto who was still in the helicopter.

Once he comes over I bring him into a short hug which felt a little awkward but it's fine and then roxto goes over to kiri and spider who had just arrived.

That's some weird ass triangle I do not want to get myself involved in.

My face quickly represents my thoughts as I think of Kilanta and how she's not here. Ao'nung almost reading my mind responds "still no one has seen her since neteyam"

I can't lie that makes me a little mad, I get that everyone has there own coping methods but Kilanta and neteyam weren't anything that serious.

I know for a fact they didn't mate or do any of that kind of stuff.

The fact she can't even come and maybe say sorry for your loss is what annoys me because he's literally my twin and she's doing all them dramatics over someone she barely even knew.

In a change of thought direction I quickly turn to Ao'nung with a gleeful smile.

"Today your gonna meet my grandma, my uncle and all my friends I hope you are prepared because you don't have a choice"


That's todays chapter I hope you liked it yhe next one will be a lot more interesting and have some drama and that's a pinky promise.

Appreciation to every single one of you🙏🏻🙏🏻

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~It'll Be Okay~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon