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As we begin to land we are surrounded by the familiar faces of my people and the new leader who won't be leader for long because my dads gonna take it back.

I break the bond with my ikran and my grandma pushes her way past everyone and goes straight up and brings me and my mum into a tight hug.

I can hear her sniffling, she knows about neteyam.

I hug her back "I've missed you so much grandma" I whisper in her ear.

"I know honey but my beauty's are back" she says smiling softly pulling away from me and my mum.

I look around and see kiri and spider hugging, ew that's disgusting.

I don't care what happens spider is staying a friend and if anything more happens I swear to god I will break every small bone in his body.

I see lo'ak is looking down so I walk over to him and put my arm around his shoulders.

"We are back baby brother"

"It's just not the same" he solemnly replies and my heart sinks because it's true it wasn't the same but it's nothing I can change.

My eyes widen with an idea that would make us both happy.

"Hey why don't we go see uncle at the tree of souls because it's been ages since we've seen him" I say getting a bit excited.

He looks down at me, because he's taller, and smiles and nods his head.

I turn to my father who is in discussion with the current leader, probably about him taking over again.

"Me and lo'ak are going to the tree of souls" he only nods in response because he's distracted.

Me and lo'ak begin our walk to the tree and it's quite surreal being back home after so long.

"I've missed the smell of the forest" lo'ak points out as he runs his fingers along the leaves.

"Same. I'm gonna miss the reef a bit though" I sigh thinking about all the changes that have happened in such a short amount of time.

"Bro I miss Tsireya" he whines, laughing a little at how ridiculous he sounds.

"It's fine we will see them soon enough and we would be able to see there new sibling too!"


We arrive at the tree after having a casual stroll and talking, it reminds me off neteyam because he would normally be on these walks with us.

Without talking we both bond with the tree thinking off our uncle.

I'm transported onto the highest branch on the old home tree before it got destroyed and I'm sat next to my uncle with lo'ak on the other side.

He puts his arms around both of us.

"Have you heard about nete" I ask trying not to think about it too much.

"Yh" tsu'tey sighs out and holds us tighter.

"I was surprised they didn't bury him at our tree of souls though" he says more so to himself.

"I wanted him to go peacefully here" lo'ak says.

We all sit in silence looking over the forest and it was comforting, it feels like I had such a good relationship with my uncle even though I never met him.

I wasn't gonna personally tell him about my baby thought someone else can do that, I've dealt with enough reactions for now.


(Kiris pov)

I was sat with spider alone on one of the many rocks seats that were around.

He seemed unusually quiet and not like himself.

"Are you okay?" I hum out and he looks at me with very quick moving eyes and nods slightly.

Somethings up with him.

"No your not. Tell me" I say trying to grab his hand but he takes it away before I could grab it.

"God kiri nothings wrong. Can you just leave me alone!" He frustratedly snaps back at me.

I know he knows something and it's bothering him.

I'm gonna find out.


Question do you prefer one long chapter or multiple short chapters?

Appreciation to everyone who read this and votes I love you all💗💗

~It'll Be Okay~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora