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I stay after the funeral once everyone clears out to carry on with there days but I just can't.

I sit with my legs dangling in the water and just praying for it to not be like this.

Ao'nung silently sits next to me and stays quiet because he doesn't want to talk unless I do.

Which is sweet of him but I don't think I can have people with me right now.

"You don't have to be here Ao'nung" I say trying to get him to go away but nicely.

"It's fine. I know you'll need me even if you don't know yourself" he responds reassuringly watching me.

I don't know why but what he says just makes me burst out crying.

The river stream starts pouring down my face like I was all to familiar with.

He grabs me and pulls me into a hug.

"It'll be okay" he almost whispers into my ear, stroking my hair calmingly.

I pull back and stare into his eyes "but it's not okay is it. My brothers fucking dead" I bitterly say.

My breathing starts to get faster like his did before he died.

He looks at me sadly not really sure how to help me cope.

"Remember you can talk to him with our soul tree" Ao'nung says and his eyes widen slightly when he sees me suddenly smile.

"Yes yes I completely forgot. I need to go apologise right now." I rush out really quickly.

Before he can even reply I pull him up and start dragging him.

I know it won't ever be the same as actually having him here with me but at least I'll be able to have a conversation with him.

I just want to see him again.

I quickly run into the water calling my ilu and Ao'nung does the same shortly after.

I don't know what direction it is so I let him lead the way.

We arrive there in the magical place that held the soul tree.

I get of my ilu in a rush and swim down to one of the branches.

I calm my rushed mind down for a second, you will see neteyam it's okay.

I grab my braid and connect it and I think of neteyam and just like that we are both on our ikran flying through the sky like we always used too.

Tears swell up in my eyes.

"I see you got my necklace sister" neteyam says slightly smiling at me.

My tears run down but I smile at him.

"I'm so sorry neteyam you are never going to understand how much it should have been me I just want you back" I sob looking into his eyes.

"I may not be there with you physically but I know eywas plans for you and even if you seem alone your not"

I look at him confused by what he said and he only looks at me like it's obvious.

"Neteyam I don't know what you mean" I stutter and sniffle wiping my face free of tears.

"Y/n just like tsu'tey carried on in mum im carrying on in you."

This only makes me confused. What does he mean? I mean how can he carry on in me?

I feel my face drop and my mind panic, I look over at neteyam for reassurance in what I thought and he simply nodded.

"But that can't happen because mum and dad would kill me" I start to panic but he calms me down.

"It all works out in the end just know I want to see my mini me when he's born" he smiles.

I can't focus I'm to lost in thought.

How is this even gonna work?

How am I pregnant?


Guys I know we don't like pregnancy trope because I don't either but for a sneak peak of what's going to happen it's gonna fast forward a bit and there gonna be back in the forest.

Hope you liked this chapter I know it was quite short and please don't lose interest.

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