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I grab Ao'nungs hand and quickly lead him to where I know my friends will be.

"Where are you taking me?" He laughs out trying to keep up with me.

"Your gonna meet my friends!" I squeal out pulling him harder.

I spoke to my friends yesterday and they said that they would be picking fruit early in the morning so that's were I'm taking him.

"Wait wait wait y/n" he calls out abruptly stopping.

"What" I snap turning around to face him not realising how close he was to me.

"Go slower because I'm not used to the forest and I've no idea what im doing" he smiles looking down at me.

"Omg I completely forgot im so sorry, you'll pick it up quickly don't worry" I smile at start walking slower grabbing his hand again.

He's looking around a lot at all the stuff that seems normal to me but very different to him.

"This is beautiful" he says looking at the trees and the animals.

"I know" I smile because it makes me happy that he likes it.

"Not as beautiful as you though" he smiles as he rubs his thumb along my knuckles calmingly.

"Stop thats so cringey" I giggle out

"Cringey but true" he makes me smile even more because I wish people saw this Ao'nung more often instead of the act tough thing.

My ears prick up when I hear jan'li bickering with aalin, there's defibetley got to be something still there between the two of them.

"Jan'li" I call out before I can even see her and she stops arguing and I can feel her excitement.

I see her coming up ahead of me and I see her clapping her hands together rapidly because she's excited to see Ao'nung.

She keeps whipping her head around trying to figure out where the voice is coming from.

"I'm here" I say and she immediately snaps her head towards me and her smile is as bright as the stars and she comes running towards me.

She brings me into a quick hug before pulling away and looking at Ao'nung.

Her being her friendly self she also brings Ao'nung into a hug which I know he finds a little awkward by.

Aalin and haktu come over to us.

"Everyone this is Ao'nung" i say happily to my three friends.

"Hey" Ao'nung says to them.

"This is jan'li, haktu and aalin" i point to them so that it's clear who I'm in about and they all reply there heys as well.

"So bug what fruit we getting today" haktu says breaking the short and a bit awkward silence.

I can feel Ao'nungs hand tighten on mine at the nickname and I see his jaw clench with jealousy and that's quite hot.

"Well to be honest we just came to say a quick hi because there's a whole bunch of other stuff we have to do but we will all catch up at the dinner" I say smiling before waving goodbye and turning away.

Once we are out of ear shot Ao'nung mocks "what's that all about bug" I can feel his jealousy radiating off of him.

"Don't be jealous he's just a really good friend" I explain but I think he already has his mind made up about haktu.

"Yh a friend that would probably love to get his hands on you" Ao'nung spits in disgust by him.

I hum in disagreement because I don't want to start and argument especially considering he just got it.

I grab his hand back and I can feel his demeanour cool off a bit.

"Where are we going then" he mutters

"Your gonna meet my grandma" I smile and look at him and he returns a nervous look.

My grandmother is gonna love him I can already tell.

We arrive outside her shelter and I practically drag him in.

I'm met with a happy glance from mo'at as she looks at the two of us hand in hand.

"Hi m'am I'm Ao'nung" he says letting go of my hand to offer it to my Nan.

"Oh darling please call me mo'at no need to be so formal" she replies ignoring his hand and bringing him into a big comforting hug that I wanted to get in on but I let them be.

She pulls back "you don't have to be so nervous I don't bite like some of the others do" she says in a very calming voice.

Ao'nung let's out a laugh and I can tell he's trying to think of what to say.

"Y/Ns told me a lot about you" he says getting more confident by the minute which just warms my heart.

"I hope they're ere good things" my Nan chuckles taking both of my hands in hers and holding them.

"No bad thing could be said about you" Ao'nung smiles showing teeth.

"I see why you like this boy, he's a charmer" my smile only grows higher at my grandmothers validation.

"He is" i giggle out as Ao'nung wraps an arm around my shoulders.

This is just perfect I don't think that introduction could have gone much better.


Sorry I didn't post yesterday because to be honest I've been reading other peoples stories and also I have a confession.

I don't even think Ao'nungs that fit but I'm gonna carry on writing his story because that's the only one of mine that's actually got viewing😭

Also I've been getting very obsessed with the hunger games again so I'm gonna make a Cato story.

Appreciation to everyone that read this🙏🏻🙏🏻

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