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I'm with everyone at the flat rocks and lo'ak is talking about the whale he was talking too when I saved him.

"It had like no fin on one side" lo'ak says trying to describe what he looked like.

After he said that I see Tsireyas face drop a little as some kind of realisation hits.

"That's payakan"

Who the hell is payakan.

"Payakan is a killer your lucky you made it out alive" Ao'nung says looking over at me with a bit of an apologetic look.

I zone out at that point because I know there's gonna be some kind of an argument.

I don't know how I feel about everything too be honest.

Like I had sex with Ao'nung and we are like talking and nobody knows, I don't know how long I'm going to be able to keep this secret.

I feel like it's just gonna burst out of me, I mena we haven't really spoken about it but I don't know if our family would be happy.

I'm sure they would it would just be a little awkward.

But on a different note it's mine and neteyams birthday tomorrow and we are gonna be 16 I'm so excited.

It's weird cuz Ao'nung is 16 just a week later and I have no idea what I'm gonna get him.

I feel like I haven't spent any time with Tuk so I'm gonna take her swimming later.


"Tuk are you ready to go?" I say excitedly as she grabs my hand and we walk out.

"Yesss" she practically squeals.

I love her so much, she's so cute.

We go to the platform and jump in, the scenery around here is something you could never even imagine.

Me and Tuk swim around for a while but I'm distracted when I hear very faint engine noises in the distance.

"Tuk can you hear that?" I ask

"I can't hear anything"

That's strange. I definitely hear them, they've gone now but I wonder what that was.

It better not be the sky people, how would they even know we are here.

I'm gonna take Tuk back to mum now because it's starting to get dark and I wouldn't want mum to worry.


"Neteyam it's our birthday tomorrow!" I say as I walk up to him, he's sat by the fire on his own.

"I know" he says glumly

"What's wrong?"

"I've just got this feeling that somethings bad gonna happen and I don't know what it is"

"I feel the exact same way"

"And I miss the forest"

"Yh it's gonna be our first birthday in our new home, oh yh Neteyam i have something to tell you."


"Um so basically I think me and Ao'nung like eachother quite a bit"

"You what?"

"Yh i think we are gonna date soon"

"I mean you do you I'll support it. Kilanta was actually saying to me that she thought something was going to happen between you two."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yh it kinda is" he says smiling lightly.

"Well I'm going to go to bed so the next time I'll see you we'll be 16."


I'm awoken by Tuk shaking and screaming at me.


"Tuk calm down please" I hear father say from the other side of the room.

I rub my eyes and sit up to my family just looking at me, that's a bit creepy.

They all say excited happy birthdays to me and I see neteyam come in and I smile.

We are 16.


(It's midday and your with neteyam and mum)

Mums in the middle and me and neteyam are leaning into her.

"You know we aren't in the forest but we are all still together and that's what's important" mum says hugging us.

"And my two baby's are all grown and are so beautiful" she says with a subtly smile.

"We get our looks from you mum" I say because it's true we look so alike to our mum it's strange but I think we get father in us because we always want to protect our family.

"Do you think we would ever go back to the forest?" Neteyam asks hopeful.

"I don't know if your dad would want to risk that but I'm sure we would go back eventually. I'll make sure you both go back to the forest atleast once" she smiles.

We sit in comfortably silence as we just admire our surroundings and I like that.

I would say I was always closer with my mum because I think she's a bit more understanding whereas dad is stressed that he would lose us.


"Ao'nung where are you taking me!" I squeal out because he's covering my eyes and taking me somewhere.

"Shush it's a surprise" he says and I can tell he's smirking at me.

"I don't like surprises" I retort.

"You'll love this one".


Guys ik this isn't the best chapter but that's cuz I literally had three hours of sleep and I'm slowly dying and a tiny bit hungover

Guys ik this isn't the best chapter but that's cuz I literally had three hours of sleep and I'm slowly dying and a tiny bit hungover

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Also I know it's not much but I'm very appreciative off the ones that read my book and I love you all.

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