I See You

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"What the fuck was that for!" I shout at Ao'nung when roxto leaves.

"What do you mean what the fuck, were you just about to actually have sex with him!" He shouts back clearly angry.

"That is none of your business" i mutter back.

"Why would you do that?!" He says still shouting.

"Ao'nung I think your a bit delusional we were never anything and you almost killed me and my brother"

"No one said you had to save him"

"Well no one was doing anything and I really enjoyed your sincere apology thank you for that, cunt"

"Im not a cunt y/n" he says staring down into my eyes.

"No your not doing that shit where you make me like you with your eyes"

"You liked me?"

"No and reminder now to list of the rude things you've done you did not return my greeting when I first met you, rude. You punched me in the face, rude. Left my brother fucking stranded where me and him almost got killed"

"So no I don't and I never will like you" I shout in his face before I walk out the cove.


(One week later and nothing has happened between y/n and Ao'nung but it is the day of the Holoko festival)

Tonight will be the festival of holoko. The festival is the appreciation to eywas makings and that only happens once a year all across Pandora.

So it's a very big deal and it'll be the first time not doing it in the forest and it's makes me miss home.

I want to go home.

I put on my holokon necklace as tradition and it's so pretty I'm glad that it's mine.

Everyone's necklaces are different even if by the slightest difference its tradition because with the necklaces we appreciate the resources eywa gave us

You can always change your necklace but I've always kept mine because I liked it and it reminds me of the forest.

It's got purple, blue and pink crystals that are found in the forest and they are beautiful.

My arm is pretty much healed it's just red scars.

I've always appreciated peoples scars because they all have different stories.

At the holokon festival we have a few traditions that happen.

The first one is to pray to eywa and we always do this in massive groups.

The second is we have a feast of things we would never normally eat and we thank eywa.

The third is the dance, it's done with a partner and I've always done it with neteyam in a sibling way but now I guess he's going to do it with Kilanta.

Lo'aks going to be with Tsireya and Kiri told me she's gonna be with roxto.

I'm not doing the most sacred dance with Ao'nung no chance in hell so I'm gonna have to find someone.

I head over to the flat rocks to just watch over the ocean and think.

Recently I've been feeling an urge to go home, like eywas trying to warn me that somethings going to happen.

I mean I haven't really given it much thought but spiders still captured by the sky people and however much he's not family he is an importance in kiris life.

It feels like so much has happened in a small amount of time I can't quite process it and to be honest I'm getting stressed.

It's like this ball of tension in my stomach that grows everyday when another thing happens.

I've never felt like this I only did when I left the forest.

Not to even mention my nans still in the forest and I haven't seen her for a few months, I can't imagine how my mum is feeling.

"Um y/n I've come to say sorry"

His voice doesn't even startle me anymore, he comes and sits down next to me and I can feel that he's looking into my eyes but I'm not going to look back.

"I was mad about the fight and I got carried away. I never meant for him to die or for you to get hurt and I really mean that"

"I'm sorry for punching you in the face in the fight I thought that was someone else and I would never want to hurt you"

"And about the roxto thing I got jealous that he was with you and I wasn't because I can't lie to you y/n I want you."

Wait what? He likes me?

I turn to look into his eyes and he's staring straight back.

"I crave you" he mutters in a deep voice as he grabs my cheek with his hand and pulls me into him.

We touch lips and his are soft and perfect.

I pull back.

"I've been meaning to apologise to you for a while now I just thought it would mean more today"

"And I know you have one but I made you a holokon necklace with things from around the reef.

He pulls the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen from behind his back.

It's filled with shells stained pink and colourful rocks that are so pretty I can't even describe.

I smile ear to ear because this was something you could never say no too and I didn't want too.

I take the necklace from his hands and hold it mine.

I look up into his eyes.

His perfect eyes.

"Thank you" i say giggly.

"There's just one more thing I want to do" he says grabbing my hands and pulling me to stand.

I leave the necklace on the floor.

"Okay what is it?" I ask curiously.

"I see you"

He performs the gesture I gave him the first day we met and somehow this is so much more meaningful and the fact he chose to do this.

I lean up on my tails and kiss him, I pull back and smile at him.

"I see you".


Would you want avatar smut?

Also I like this chapter I think it's cute hope you like it too

Thanks for reading

~It'll Be Okay~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang