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"Conceal it, don't feel it." This phrase haunted me for years, when my magic was considered a curse hitting the kingdom of Arendelle. Some saw me as a witch, others as a demon... The fear that was reflected in the eyes of those around me was gradually becoming mine...

I lost the meaning of that sentence about four years ago, on the night of my coronation. I inadvertently revealed to everyone what I had been trying to hide since childhood. At first I blamed myself for not being able to control myself but I was finally happy to have betrayed this secret that had been weighing on my shoulders for far too long. I was finally free. Without that, I wouldn't be where I am, in this room, in this bed.

I forgot those few words, but not the people they came from. Not my parents. Many have complained of my attitude and stubbornness in wanting to hold on to anything that could remind me of them. I was then criticized for not letting go of their memory. Especially that of my mother, Iduna. But I could not. It would have meant giving up part of me. It was impossible.


I turn to the opposite side of the bed, still lost in my thoughts. It's early. The sun has not yet quite risen but the sky is already clear enough to let me see clearly each of the objects of the room in which I find myself. The small desk in front of the queen bed, the wardrobe on my left, the mirror on the back... I stand up slightly in the hope of seeing the hands of the little clock on the desk. Five and a half hours. I let myself fall back into bed, pushing my head into my pillow. No noise disturbs this sweet moment of silence. I take a long look at the ceiling and the wooden walls. I gently pass my hand against the one behind my head. I like to feel the roughness of the boards under my fingers. I look down and smile at the mass of brown hair a few inches from my face.

Suddenly, a tearing cry breaks the silence. A plaintive cry, mixed with tears. I get up in a hurry and run towards the source of the noise. As soon as I pushed the door apart, everything stopped, causing the place to fall in calm. I stop in its entrance and look out the window facing me. The first rays of the Sun enter the room. I smile. A new day begins.

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