Chapter 40

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The afternoon flew by. I left Sven in the clearing below with the other reindeer. While he grazed and frolicked happily, I loaded the sleigh with various provisions to make sure we didn't go hungry on the journey to Arendelle. I thought back to the conversation I'd had with Ryder a few hours earlier. Why won't he tell me about his attraction for Elsa? I asked myself inwardly, he could tell me, I'm his friend!

As I piled the last of my belongings into the sleigh, I saw the former queen approach me, empty-handed.

"You're not taking anything with you?" I asked, surprised.

She smiled at me.

"I already have everything I need in Arendelle," she remarked.

"It's true... I'm not so used to seeing you at the palace anymore, that's why... "

There was a sudden silence. I always felt awkward around Elsa. Something about her bothered me. I didn't really know how to describe my discomfort in her presence. The day before, however, I'd managed to face her without trembling. For the first time since I'd met her, I'd felt in a position of strength in her presence. Seeing her lose her temper like that had finally proved to me that she too could show signs of weakness, despite the mask of self-assurance she'd been wearing for years. But this moment of confusion had clearly not lasted long. Elsa seemed to have got her act together and was back to her usual calm and serious self. She was the opposite of Anna, so cheerful and optimistic.

The young woman turned to me, looked me straight in the eye and said:

"When do you plan to leave?"

Her gaze unsettled me and made me feel even more uncomfortable. But she didn't seem to notice. I cleared my throat, trying not to let on.

"Tomorrow morning. Does that suit you?"

Elsa grimaced slightly as she turned her gaze away from mine, which lifted her from her usually cool, serious demeanor.

"Yes, of course. That gives me time to say goodbye to the Northuldras," she said sadly.

"And to Honeymaren?" I said without thinking.

The former queen looked up at me again and almost choked with surprise.

"How do you..."

"Oh... Just a hunch," I lied, scratching the back of my head nervously, realizing how clumsy I'd been.

She looked at me for a long time, obviously trying to find out more. After several seemingly interminable seconds, she finally gave up and walked away from me, heading back towards the camp. I sighed with relief that she hadn't insisted any further.


Having finished packing the last of my belongings to take on board the sled, I set off to find Sven. When he saw me, he rushed over, happy to have me back. I gently stroked his neck and climbed onto his back.

We passed a number of diseased trees, all covered in huge black streaks. Their branches were now all leafless. They were dead, I knew. It would be impossible to save them. They all had to be felled, in the hope that this would stop the spread of these strange marks, although I doubted it very much. The Enchanted Forest was far more affected by this strange disease than Arendelle. All Northuldra were directly concerned. But none dared broach the subject. Since my arrival, I'd never heard anyone talk about the disappearance of the spirits of earth and wind. It was like a fear that people preferred to keep quiet rather than face up to.


After a few minutes' walk, we reached a more remote part of the enchanted forest. Trees still covered in green leaves surrounded a tiny clearing at the center of which was a large boulder. The sun's rays illuminated the whole. It was magnificent. I smiled as I recalled the marriage proposal I'd rehearsed so long with Ryder in this very spot, surrounded by a herd of reindeer. It had been pathetic! But funny in retrospect when I remembered the look on Yéléna's face that had surprised us... In the end, it was a good thing Anna hadn't arrived at that moment. She would certainly have found me stupid! I looked at the rock. I climbed down from Sven's back and made my way to the center of the clearing. I looked falsely serious, puffed out my chest and cleared my throat.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle, will you marry me?" I shouted solemnly in Sven's direction.

"Yes, I will!" came a high-pitched voice from behind me.

I gasped, turned sharply and saw Ryder fluttering his eyelashes exaggeratedly and assuming a cartoonishly feminine position that made him look completely ridiculous.

"How silly you can be sometimes !"I laughed and jumped off the rock.

"No dumber than you! I remind you that it was you who was being silly just now," he retorted, mimicking me excessively.

I rolled my eyes.

"And I took advice from someone who'd never been in a relationship..." I teased him.

Ryder looked offended and pouted like a child.

"You're the one who asked me for help!"

I sighed, exasperated.

"What the hell are you doing here? Have you finally decided to confess to me about Elsa?" I asked my friend, regaining a serious air.

"What?! No! I just wanted to spend a little more time with you before you left."

"You're going to miss me, aren't you?"

"Pfff... I don't miss you, but Sven does! And I know it's mutual!" he said, winking at me.

He took my reindeer's head in his hands and caressed him, saying:

"Who's my favorite little reindeer? Aren't you going to miss Uncle Ryder?"

"Hey, don't talk to him like that," I said, pulling him away from Sven.

Ryder laughed and went to sit on the rock I'd been standing on moments earlier.

"So, where do you stand with your marriage to Anna?" he questioned.

"You're trying to change the subject in every way you can," I remarked. "It's coming along... I suppose she had to continue with the preparations while I was away."

"You'll invite me, won't you?"

"Of course I will! Elsa, Honeymaren and Yelena will be too, of course."


We stayed chatting for the rest of the afternoon, so much so that we didn't notice that the sun had long since set.

"It's late and getting really dark," I said to my friend.

We looked at each other silently. Then, after a few moments, Ryder took me in his arms.

"I'm going to miss you," he said.

"I'll miss you too," I said as I gently pushed him away, unaccustomed to this kind of embrace from him.

"You'll see, you'll be bored without me!"

"At least I'll be quiet, without having to put up with you all the time!" I teased him, ruffling his hair in a friendly manner.

I set off again, accompanied by Sven, towards the little cabin I'd been allocated during my stay, turning around several times to wave to Ryder. He soon disappeared behind the many trees of the enchanted forest.


I threw myself onto my bed, exhausted. I hadn't even taken the time to remove my clothes. I looked up at the ceiling and ran a hand through my hair, thinking of Anna, who must already be asleep. I smiled as I imagined her lying star-studded in her big bed, her hair a mess and a trickle of saliva running down her cheek. I'd sometimes sneak into her room and watch her sleep like that. When I couldn't fall asleep, I could stay with her for hours without her noticing. Then I would realize that the young woman was beautiful in all circumstances - even when she was drooling slightly!

I suddenly lost my smile as I thought of the long days she would have to spend in my absence at the palace. It had been almost three days since I had left Arendelle, leaving her alone to manage all the kingdom's affairs. Of course, I still couldn't help her in any practical way, but at least I usually gave her moral support for all the long administrative tasks she had to carry out all day long, which often exhausted her mentally.

I yawned and shifted position, finding myself with my cheek against the pillow. By this time tomorrow evening, we'll be together again, I mused, closing my eyes.

"Good night Anna," I murmured before drifting off to sleep.

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