Chapter 80

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The Queen had asked me very early that day. It had only been an hour since the sun had risen. I couldn't help but understand what she was going to tell me. Was it again about little Elsa that she summoned me like this? Did she need any information or service? I didn't know anything about it, I wasn't told anything else. The queen was increasingly secretive and mysterious. She had been locked up in her room for two weeks, even refusing to let her maid in.

I came to her door, took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in."

I did. The queen turned her back to me, facing the window. It was only by quickly sweeping the room with my eyes that I noticed the king, sitting on the bed, looking preoccupied. He gave me an empty look of any emotion that made me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Iduna..." he murmured.

"I know."

She turned and I immediately understood what she had to tell me. Her rounded belly left no doubt, yet none of us three showed the slightest smile. I didn't know if I had to say something, rejoice or, on the contrary, be sorry. It seemed to be the same for the royal couple.

"I think you understand why I brought you here..." says Iduna, gently caressing her belly with a sad smile on her face. We... we are expecting a second child..."

I saw the king put a hand on his pale face. I then noticed how exhausted he seemed. His dark circles betrayed his lack of sleep.

"Congratulations," I said, without any real enthusiasm.

The queen looked down sadly.

"I don't understand..." I said. "Why did you bring me alone? You could have officially announced it to all staff."

I saw them cast a worried glance.

"Indeed," replied Agnarr, "we would like to keep this pregnancy a secret.

"How? But..."

"For the good of the queen, the baby, and all. "

"It is impossible... You will not be able to keep this secret..."

"Until delivery. I want no one to know except you and her maid. "

"Does Gerda know?"

"No, not yet. Try to tell her when you are alone, and make it clear that she should not tell anyone."

I turned to the queen:

"Are you going to stay in your room for months?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I have no choice..."

"Why are you doing this?" I dared.

She hesitated to answer, seeking her husband's approval with a slanting glance. Seeing that he was returning it to her, she finally replied:

"If they find out I'm pregnant again, it could trigger a wave of discontent. They all say that I gave birth to a monster the first time, while Elsa is an adorable little girl. They just don't trust the difference. By having a second baby, I take the risk that it will be different, but I accept that. Others are not necessarily as tolerant... Imagine if I give birth to a little girl or a little boy with the same abilities as Elsa... What will people say?"

Iduna had tears in her eyes. I could see in front of me how worried a mother was about her children. I had hidden many things from her about the noises that ran in the castle and in the whole kingdom on her daughter. I preferred to hide from her the death threats I had heard about, even if she must have suspected it.

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