Chapter 6

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While I had wanted to join Ryder and his flock for the morning, I had fallen on the paddock left wide open and my brother's reindeer scattered all around. I had sighed, accustomed to the clumsiness and inattention of my twin for a long time. I had patiently put each of the animals in its place, making sure that none would escape. Ryder, however, had not been found. I've been looking all over for him. In the camp, in his cabin, in the forest, on the edge of the creek and even in the meadows where there was hardly any lichen left. I had not found him anywhere. Worried, I went back to the pen, hoping to find an answer. I had been distractedly counting the animals while trying to guess where my brother might be. Knowing him, he could have been injured or lost. At the end of my quick inspection, I realized that the herd was missing two members. Ryder would never have let that pass. One of the missing reindeer suddenly appeared, galloping through the woods. He had suddenly stopped at my height and had pitched up several times, almost making me fall. He seemed panicked. I quickly calmed him down and put him back with the others. Something happened to my brother, I was convinced.


The reindeer was the first to return in the pouring rain. We all heard the terrible cracking of the ice and the screaming. I had stayed on the beach for long minutes like other curious or close. I'd seen Elsa run off to the frozen Dark Sea without hesitation. She just gave me a serious look, obviously understanding my anguish. I was wet. My hair and my clothes were dripping all the time. I was refrigerated without realizing it. Nothing mattered. Not even the worried whispers around me. I kept my eyes on the horizon, waiting for a sound, a sign, anything that could calm me down and prove to me that my brother was okay. My heart was pounding, seeming ready to come out of my chest. Anxiety was twisting my stomach. I stood still, despite the wind that was beating me. My feet were firmly anchored in the pebbles, my whole body was stretched, ready to overcome the gusts and rain, but not the loss of Ryder. It was impossible. I couldn't stand it. My eyes were filled with tears, still seeing nothing in the distance, except for this terrible expanse of ice as far as the eye could see, which sadly reflected the black sky of clouds. No, it could not end that way. I closed my eyelids with all my strength, wanting to forget everything around me. A warm tear ran down my cheek, mingling with the frozen drops of rain. Ryder was all I had left. I could not lose him, too. He was the only one who could brighten my days. He alone knew. He had always accompanied me, even in the darkest moments of my life. He was my confidant, my sidekick, my double, my everything.


"What are you doing?"

I turned around, facing my twin. He looked down at my little hands holding a tiny knife and a piece of wood. He raised an inquiring eyebrow. I smiled at him.

"You can tell ,no? I sculpt!" I replied proudly while pushing the blade into the small log that quickly took shape."You know Dad doesn't like us taking knives from the kitchen. He says we can get hurt."

I looked up at the sky.

"So what? He won't know!" I said with a wink to Ryder."Why do you always make me lie or hide things?" he indignantly put his fists on his hips to show his displeasure. "Because I am taller than you!"Two centimeters!"It matters! And I'm much more mature!" I laughed.

He appeared offended, sat down in a suit, and crossed his arms over his chest, wearing a pouty pout, as I did every time I made a remark that did not suit him. There was a moment of silence.

"I'm done!" I shouted joyfully, brandishing the little wooden horse I had just sculpted.

Contrary to usual, Ryder did not jump for joy. We who had so few toys were usually so happy when one of us could get them. That was not the case. My brother kept his scowl and avoided my glances.

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