Chapter 85

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I had not closed my eyes at night, wriggling endlessly, unable to think of anything other than what I had heard the night before. I didn't understand, how was that possible?

Kai had prevented me from joining my sister, seeing fit to let us all digest the information on our side. I couldn't talk to her, nothing, not a word and felt terribly guilty for letting her spend the night alone after such news.

"It is better not to arouse more curiosity, Your Majesty," the butler whispered to me, pointing implicitly to the other servants.

I reluctantly agreed to retire to my room, leaving Kristoff and Elsa alone in theirs.

The moment I was waiting for so eagerly was finally coming. The sun was rising. I had been waiting for hours in front of my window, looking for the slightest ray of light. He was finally there. It was still very early, but too bad, she had to be awake anyway. I silently left my room and headed without hesitation towards Elsa's. Before entering, I checked that the corridor was empty, that I was alone and that no one could come and listen to us. Having done so, I opened the door without knocking. My sister was sitting at the window, as so often, her face turned outward. I approached without saying anything and sat down beside her. She glanced at me and smiled sadly. She looked exhausted and her eyes were red, a sign that she had to cry. To see her so made me even more sad. I regretted not being there for her as soon as the doctor announced it.

"I wasn't sick at the end of the day ... she whispered. The doctor says ... I'm more than three months pregnant...

"That's pretty good news, isn't it?" I said, not knowing what else to say.

I then saw a tear dripping on my sister's cheek.

"No, no this is not good news..."

"Do you know who the father is?" I asked timidly, at last asking the question that had been in my head since the previous day.

She shook her head. That no froze my blood.

"Ryder?" I suggested in a small voice.

Saying that name made me a strange impression. At the same time, Elsa suddenly turned to me, giving me a look both surprised and filled with fear.


"I understand you had—

"How many people know?" she said, panicked.

"I don't know... Kristoff and I learned a little by chance..."

"Kristoff knows?"

I nodded and saw her curl up on herself.

"It was a mistake," she whispered. "I don't know what took me that afternoon...I wasn't...myself...."

"Hey... You don't have to justify yourself, it's none of my business and none of your business."

"I almost lost Honeymaren because of that..."

I put a reassuring hand on hers and asked:

"Why do you say you don't know who the father is then? Maybe it's just Ryder..."

The young woman's eyes darkened. There was something that I didn't know, and that something worried me more and more.

"I don't understand," I said in a trembling voice.

"It's not.... It's not necessarily Ryder..." she said, looking away.

I noticed that she was trying to contain the new tears that came to her eyes.

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