Chapter 98

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The tables, chairs and benches had been removed from the garden. The marriage was over, the coronation had passed. We had a new king now. A king I had not necessarily wanted at the beginning, but I fully accepted now. He had shown me during those long weeks of difficulty that he would always remain faithful to his wife and to the kingdom to which he belonged.

While I was helping to wipe and tidy the dishes from the day before, I glanced at Daven, the young servant. He was leaning against a table, a cloth in his hands, but looked dreamy.

"These plates will not wipe themselves!" I said to him.

He startled, suddenly drawn from his thoughts, cast a black glance at me but immediately set to work. Something was troubling me in his attitude. He made himself look ominous or even evil, whereas deep down I had the feeling that he was filled with suffering that he wanted to keep hidden. I approached him and helped him carry the stack of plates he wanted to store in the cupboard above him.

"It's okay, I don't need your help!" he said.

"I'm not used to leaving someone in trouble to fend for themselves, so you're going to have to put up with me a little more," I replied.

We finally managed to put everything in the cupboard and I closed it immediately. Daven, without even thanking me, grabbed several glasses by the sink and wiped them quickly. I watched him do without a word.

"I'd like to talk to you," I said.

"What do you want to do? You want to lecture me again? What did I do this time?"

"Nothing. I just want to talk to you. It won't take long, a few minutes at most."

He sighed and left his glasses and tea towel on the counter.

"Go ahead, I'm listening.

"No, not in here. I would like to avoid indiscretions," I whispered, glancing at the other servants, who at first sight did not seem to listen to us.

"I really don't have time for that—

"But to daydream, there you have time," I replied. "Please follow me."

He looked up, but accompanied me into the corridor. I closed the kitchen door behind us.

"How old are you? I asked him then.


"What were you doing before you arrived at the castle?"

"I was helping my father. He has a farm on the heights of Arendelle. "

"What about your mother?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"What? You don't want to tell me what she's doing?" I wondered.

"She did as all women do today. She sought her independence. "

"Oh, did she succeed?"

"She is dead."

I stopped immediately, not knowing how to react. Daven glanced at me.

"Don't pity me, I hate it," he said.

"Hmmm... Okay. How did your father react? "

"He doesn't care. Anyway, they separated before I was even born. I think it was because of me. My mother didn't want a child. So she left me with my father after delivery. "

"You haven't known her much, have you?"

"No. I never really tried to see her. And yet.... When I heard she was dead, I was shocked.

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