Chapter 87

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I had deliberately lied to my sister, already forgetting the promise I had made her. I had to leave without attracting his attention and without making him want to follow me. I had then pretended to climb the stairs to reach my room but was very quickly back down, passing as discreetly as possible in front of the dining room and going all the way to the building reserved for servants. I felt a cold draught as I entered the small corridor leading to it. It was very dark. I had shuddered while passing, not because of the ambient freshness but because of the little hospitality that this corner of the castle inspired me. I had not really known where to go, it was the first time I ventured there. I had opened several doors, discovering little by little the different pieces that were there, and had finally come across the one I was looking for. It was the only one locked, it could only be her. I tried to pull the handle several times, measuring the strength of the lock.

«I don't like to do this, but I have no choice», I whispered to myself.

I made a little stick of ice, neither too thin nor too wide, and pushed it into the lock. A small click from the first attempt told me that the door was now open. Finally, Kai's room. I entered and recognized it immediately. It was in his image. Clean, simple and orderly. There was very little furniture. A small bed with a thin mattress, a bedside table to its left, a basin at the foot of the bed and a chair at the end of the room. Clothes were carefully folded over the latter. There was nothing else, no dresser, no cupboard, no painting, no decorations, nothing. I was quite surprised. Had he ever wanted to keep his memories with him, hanging on the walls? Or was he too modest to dare to put them there? I had no idea, Kai had always been an extremely mysterious person, even after twenty-five years of loyal service to me.

I closed the door behind me, for fear of being surprised. I was not to be seen or questioned about what I was doing there, in a building I was not normally allowed to enter. It was the only place where the servants could be quiet and have their little secret garden. I knew that what I was doing was wrong, that I should not insinuate myself thus in the little privacy that the butler could have, but I had no choice, I had to know.

I instinctively went to the bedside table, the only small piece of furniture where you could really store something, and opened its single drawer. There was a small black box inside. I gently removed its lid, the heart beating. I thought I was fainting when I saw what I had been looking for for several days: a key. A key placed on a bright red velvet. I grabbed her delicately, lest she fell to dust between my fingers and examined her. It was a pretty wrought iron key whose ring formed three magnificent circles around which tiny branches of ivy curled. It could only be the right one. Keeping the key with me, I quickly put the box in the drawer and rushed to the door of the room. I startled opening it. Anna stood behind, frowning and arms crossed.

"What are you doing here?" I wondered, immediately hiding the key behind my back.

"I ask you the same question. I thought you were resting."

"Well, I..."

Without waiting for the end of my sentence, she grabbed the hand that I hid from her and discovered the key.

"I was sure of it," she whispered. "You didn't have to go to Kai's room! Or at least... not without me.

"What difference does it make? At least I found it."

"Don't tell me you searched his entire room."

"No, just his nightstand, it was easy."

"When are you gonna think about finally telling me the truth when you do something? I feel like no matter what I say, you will always do the opposite..."

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