Chapter 96

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Kristoff grabbed me by the waist and made me spin in the air.

"Wow, Anna it was ... it was ... a wonderful day," he cried. " I can't believe it's done, we're married and tied together for life..."

He rested me on the ground and kissed me passionately.

"I've never been happier," he said. "The ceremony, the meal, the crowning.... Everything was absolutely perfect and... I would never have made this last step without you... I can not yet realize that I am king of Arendelle but I think it will not be long with everything that will fall on me tomorrow morning...

"Don't worry, I will help you with absolutely everything, I will not let you manage everything alone."

"You are the best... I don't know what I would do without you..."

I smiled at him and took off my dress before his eyes.

"Elsa made it, didn't she?" he asked.

"Yes, no couturier would have been able to do such a bespoke marvel in a matter of seconds.

"She is truly... beautiful. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you arrive earlier. You were truly splendid.

"Thank you, you were very handsome too. Green suits you very well. Have you ever been told that? I asked teasingly.

"After the saleswoman from whom I bought the costume, you are the second to point that out to me..."

I crossed my arms and wore a sulky pout.

"But coming from you it touches me much more," he caught up with, winking at me.

"You really have a gift for getting rid of all the situations in which you have inadvertently put yourself," I remarked, carefully placing on the back of a chair the dress I had managed to remove alone.

"I am often told this," said the young man as he approached me.

He grabbed me by the hips and drew me against him.

"Kristoff I...I'm not ready yet," I whispered.

"You are always perfect for me," he whispered in my ear.

He then covered my neck with delicate kisses that made me shiver. The contact of her lips on my skin gave rise to a soft warmth in the hollow of my belly.

"Do you still want to prepare or can we continue what we started?"

"It all depends on what you propose to me..."

I turned to face him, put my hands on his chest and climbed on tiptoe to kiss him. He slightly turned away his face and my kiss fell to the corner of his lips.

"Hey! You're not allowed to do that." I protested.

"I like to bother you. I take a little revenge for everything you've done to me like this."

"Are you kidding?"

"Not at all."

He grabbed me by the back of my thighs and put me on the bed. I took off his jacket and shirt, feeling his hands beginning to explore my body.

"I don't regret that we didn't wait tonight as the protocol wanted for... well... you know...

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because... you can enjoy it more than if it were your first experience."

I smiled and pulled his face over mine.

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