Chapter 68

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The sun was already high, covering the plains and mountains with its burning heat. I was agitating in my tent, gathering the last old pieces of food that I had carefully preserved but which were already affected by mold. There was no choice, it was all I had left. I gathered them in the center of the tent, placed them in a leather bag and added a small water bottle, the most precious resource. It would not be enough but it was my last reserves. I was about to leave when suddenly Silja blocked the road. She entered the tent, pushing me back.

"Where are you going?

"Why do you ask me again? You know. You always know everything."

The impassive face of the old woman made me understand that she was still waiting for an answer. I sighed.

"The Dark Sea. Okay? "

"With that?" she asked me, pointing from her chin to my feet.


"Shh. You won't last the day with so little water."

"Perhaps you have a better solution to offer me? I was ironic. No one has water anymore... And I do not intend to fight to deprive someone else of this vital resource for my own benefit. "

"It doesn't seem to be a problem for others, yet—

"What do you mean?"

Silja pulled one side of my tent and invited me to look outside. Groups of Northuldra quarrelled – sometimes violently – a few containers still filled with water. The older ones were immediately excluded, considered non-priority. The youngest and most vigorous did not hesitate to push and strike those who interposed in their path. I felt the anger rise in me. The old woman put her hand on my shoulder, trying to hold me back. I pulled out of the way, grabbed my stick, and headed for the fast-paced crowd.

"Enough!" I yelled as I reached their level.

They all stopped, glaring at me.

"Are you still civilized to fight for a resource that we all need to live? Where are your values of sharing, honor and empathy? I see before me only a herd of animals of the same species, capable of killing each other to maintain their so-called survival even though this survival depends in reality on that of each of its members. You are only unconscious, selfish and unable to take care of your neighbor! You may claim to be part of a great people, the Northuldra, but you are only diminishing them by destroying them from within!"

They all looked at me, more surprised than the others. A young man grabbed two bowls full of water and leaned forward to put them on the ground, but before he could complete his gesture, his neighbor gave him a violent punch in the stomach, making him drop the containers. The water spilled and spread into the dry grass. The howls burst again. All threw themselves on the aggressor. I remained motionless, closing my fingers firmly on my stick, eyes fixed on the two cups left on the ground.

"This is where the stupidity of one leads us and condemns us all," I whispered.

I went quietly to my tent, leaving them to fight, they who were unable to learn from their mistakes. Silja was still waiting for me inside, sitting on my bed.

"Did your intervention help?

"I will do without your comments," I replied in a dry tone, picking up my shopping bag.

"You should not go alone."

"I doubt that you can accompany me."

"I'm not talking about myself. Open your eyes, Yelena. The only person who can really help you is Elsa."

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