A week later - Monte Carlo

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Sergio Perez is back and racing for Force India, but Norah couldn't miss the Monaco GP. In fact she and a few fellow F2 drivers had planned for the most epic party after the GP. Inviting everybody from F2 and F3 that were over 18 to Jimmy'z, where she had hired part of the nightclub only for her and her friends. Norah invited a few of the F1 drivers they knew, Pierre and Esteban said yes but Charles wanted to be with the other F1 drivers.

The night was amazing and it was sure to be a party, people everywhere, drinks everywhere and music blasting through the speakers. Norah and Lando showed off some of their best friend dance moves, everybody started to sing along when wannabe by spice Girls came through the speakers. When Norah was in the middle of dancing with George, Pierre knocked on her shoulder.

"hey Charles wondered if he and a few of the F1 guys could come?" He said with his phone to his ear.

"I mean he said earlier that he didn't want to come." Pierre repeated what Norah just said to him, and then later repeated what Charles said to Norah.

"He didn't know that it was here you had hired, the party downstairs is lame." he quoted. Norah sighed.

"Who is he with?"

"with Lewis, Max, Daniel, Carlos and Marcus." Hearing her fellow Swede being with them she couldn't resist.

"okay send them up." Norah said giving up. After a while she saw the older men walking in, she walked up to greet them. She started with Charles.

"Don't think I let you in because I wanted to see you, because it's the opposite." She half whispered in French to the monegasque. Pasting on a smile when she went to greet the others.

"Sir Lewis Hamilton" she said while hugging him. He laughed and said hi.

"Long time no see Carlos" Norah said to the Spaniard who also knew that they saw each other last week.

"Danny Ricc" she said as she hugged the GP winner.

"Hello Max" she said to the dutch man that she had a bit of a weird relation to.

"and the man, the myth, the fucking legend!" she lastly said in Swedish as she wrapped the swede in a big hug.

"Well get yourself comfortable, drinks are free and we have this until 4 am.

"Sounds amazing Norah, thank you for having us!" Carlos said, everybody else agreeing before a silence fell over the group.

"Sooo, Tequila?" she said with a smirk to Daniel who also got a smug look on his face before they both laughed and ran to the bar.

The night was the best. Everybody was in a great mood, people dancing, singing, drinking and just having a good time everywhere. Even Norah and Charles could talk to each other and dance for a bit, before Norah's best friend Luisha came over with a concerned look on her face.

"Babes, what's wrong?"

"Uhm i saw Lando with someone outside smoking, but it didn't look like a regular cigarette." She knew a bit about Lando's problem and it was enough to make Norah storm outside to find Lando and Daniel smoking something. They both looked overly excited.

"Lando." Norah's voice made Lando jump and Daniel tried to hide the cigarette.

"Give it to me," She continued, looking seriously at daniel. Lando just looked at Norah realising what he just did. Daniel gave her the cigarette and she took a blow before she fimped the cigarette.

"Norah I'm so sor-"

"No don't worry about it Lando, you mess up, I mess up, remember." She had a friendly look on her face which made Lando feel a bit better about what he did. Norah asked Luisha to stay with Lando for a while when Daniel and Norah had a talk.

"Look I know that you want to have a good time and everything, but that shit is illegal here which could land me in deep shit if people find out. Now I'm not blaming you but I need to know where you got it from. " Norah said to Daniel.

"I think it was Atiken," he said.

Norah let Daniel go and she started to search for Jack, she wasn't sure what to do with him but she couldn't let this slip. She found him and talked through about what he was doing was wrong and everything, he promised to not give it to anyone else and to not talk about it while being here. She was relieved that he agreed so easily and that nobody else got anything. She went back outside where her two best friends were, Lando clearly not being himself. She hugged him for a long time reassuring him that everything was fine but he just kept crying in her arms. She asked If Luisha could go to the bar and get some water and something to eat since Lando was in desperate need of anything but alcohol. After a while Luisha came out with a tray with four glasses of water and behind her came Charles with another tray with some chips, olives and other snacks. At this moment Norah didn't care that Charles was here; she just wanted her friend to feel better. Lando drank some water and ate some chips before he started to chuckle.

"these crisps are bloody delicious" he laughed, the rest laughing with him. Soon everybody was eating from the tray and having small talk.

"Norah tell me about when we went to Silverstone for the first time" Lando begged her, she could only comply.

"Well, it was 2006. I was eight and you were seven. We had just met a few weeks before when you and your dad came to pick up Flo at our stable. We had our VIP passes so we could spend time with David and see the race from the garage. The first day we got to meet David's teammate Christian Klien, along with many other drivers. We got to talk with Michael and his brother Ralf about everything we could come up with. We got into trouble because we took David's helmet right before Quali. Our dad's got to know each other over many beer's. And it was just a magical weekend seeing Alonso win on the sunday." I said smiling to him.

"And what did we say right before we left?"

"Before we went our separate ways we looked at each other and said " Formula One it is" and we did our handshake." I smiled at him and he just smiled back. Lando always wanted to hear stories from our childhood when he was sad, it was his comfort. They both had almost forgotten that Luisha and Charles were there before he spoke up.

"I had no idea you've known each other for so long," he said, a bit fascinated.

"Say something else. It was fun to listen to. " Lusiha said.

"What about your prom?" Lando said with a smirk and Norah busted out laughing.

"Right, that was a good one. Um, it was two years ago when I was graduating. I didn't take part in any kind of celebration since i was away basically every weekend but the night of prom we both were home. We planned to just be there for a bit just for funsies, so we got some fancy clothes and we got into my car. When we arrived everybody else was already there getting ready to start but we interrupted it. I got out of my car and said something like "Are you gonna have prom without me? noway" and Lando got to my side and we walked to the class who all looked shocked that I was there. Anyways I had some guys who watched F1 and they knew who Lando was, I still don't know how they didn't know about me but that's a different story. Anyways they were over lando the whole 20 mins we were there and when right before we left I said to the class that I was thankful for the years we had and that if they wanted to see me in the future they should start watching F2 and look for the number 22. We ran out of the school and went to the nearest Mc'donalds and ate like the whole menu. My phone was blowing up with texts from people in my class about the whole racing thing and that those guys still didn't believe that it was me racing. "I ended the story and Lando started to laugh.

They all talked for an hour before they decided that it was time to go home, inside the party was coming to an end. They all thanked the night club for the night, Charles went his way home and the other three went to the hotel. After saying goodby to Lando, Norah and Luisha went to their room, awaiting ann awful hangover the next day. 

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