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The days have been slow, Norah just wants every hour to pass, every hour until his funeral. She wants to meet him again, hug him, just having his presence around her. Norah was sitting at Williams pit wall, alone. Watching over the pit lane. She was still tired, her face showing nothing but pain. The more she thinks about it the closer she is to crying, her eyes starting to water. Looking at the ground and thinking about what happened this Sunday, a tear left her eye but she quickly wiped it away but more tears came. She looked up and got eye contact with Pierre. He was another person who knew almost everything about Norah and he always managed to get every single word out of the girl. He saw her watering eyes, his face turned from a smile to concern. He looked at the person he was talking to, Charles. The pair went over to the miserable girl, the second they entered her bubble she broke down. Getting surrounded by the two men in a big hug, the comfort of her now really close friends made her feel safe. The men looked at each other in concern, oblivious about what was bothering Norah.

"What is the problem Norah?" Pierre said carefully. Norah tried to calm down and get a word out her mouth, she left the hug and looked away not wanting to face her friends.

"He's gone" She whispered, none of her friends getting what she said.

"What did you say mon cherie?" Pierre said.

"Matt is gone, he died this Sunday" She looked down, doing her best to stay strong. Keep the tears away.

"Oh I'm so sorry Norah, we both are" Pierre said. Charles looked at his ex who was now his friend, he knew how much Matt meant to Norah, he wanted to make things better for her. He hated to see her sad but had a feeling that he wasn't the person she needed right now.

"I'm so sorry Norah, do you want me to get anyone? Lando maybe?" Between sobs Norah spelled out Mick's name, he was friends with Charles' brother Arthur. He helped Norah from her chair, the three went over to F2 to find Mick. Pierre went to Prema where he found Mick.

"Mick, would you come with me?" Pierre asked Mick who was standing with his friends. He looked confused.

"Sure, what is it about?"

"Something happened to Norah." Mick's face also turned from happy to confused to concerned. The pair walked out from the garage and met Charles who had his arm around Norah. Mick's face turned into more concern, Norah saw her best friend and just as she had calmed down she broke down again, but this time in Mick's arms.

"It's alright Norah, you're alright. I'm here, I'm here." Norah cried more and more, not getting a word out, only crying. Mick slowly got down to the ground, having Norah in his arms, sitting on the ground. He stayed strong, for her.

"Matt is dead" Mick knew a lot more about Matt's situation, he immediately understood what she meant and hugged her again. The amount of times Norah had been there for him this was definitely a time he needed to be there for her.

"I'm so sorry Norah, I don't know what to say, I'm just sorry. So sorry."

"I don't even know what to think, a part of me had this feeling, you know how unstable he was, this was predictable. But now that it has happened I can't accept it."

"I get it, you think that you can prepare for hard things like this but when they really happen to you it is nothing like what you thought. I get it"

"Thank you."

The rest of the day Norah took it easy, only a few meetings and one or two interviews. Again being alone in her hotel room she heard a knock. Thinking it would be George again she went to open, on the other side was George, but with Lando, Charles, Pierre and Mick. They all had food with them and snacks.

"We wouldn't want you to be alone" Pierre said, Norah closed her eyes nodding a small smile forming on her face. She was in so much pain but she was really happy and lucky that she had such good friends.

The group spent the evening in Norah's room, they ate dinner, watched movies, and talked a lot. The Boys tried to give Norah good time, not wanting her to think so much about her brother. Norah got happier, mainly because Mick got to spend time with her friends which didn't happen that often. They all got along great and they all had fun, or at least tried to. They all left in time so all would get a good sleep, they hugged Norah and got out of her room. She tried to think about the night, instead of her dead brother and she actually managed to fall asleep pretty quickly.

"I still can't believe it" George said after the group left Norah's room. A heavy cloud was above them all.

"It's unbelievable, and she called me you know when it had happened, you can't even describe the feeling, also when it is a suicide" Lando comented

"Matt has been unstable for many years. He always had a worry for the future and what he would do with his life. Perhaps he just couldn't take it anymore, and he is like Norah, he hates to ask for help" Mick explained to the group, him too feeling almost numb. He was good friends with Matt, whenever Mick came to London they would hang out. They were similar in many ways and could talk for hours and hours. He'd miss him.

"I know how much Matt meant to Norah, I feel so sorry for her. I don't know what I would do if I lost any of my brothers." Charles commented, the group walked together for a bit then went separate ways.

The weekend was long and difficult, not only mourning Matt it was also one year since Anthione passed away, another day none of the drivers would forget. Due to heavy rain the race did not finish, but Norah and George used that and got as much as ten points together for the team. 

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