13/4 - London

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Norah was on her way to the clinic, after a successful weekend in Australia she was happy. Overall she felt happy, she was doing so much better and the clinic didn't have such a strict schedule for her anymore.

"So, Norah, how do you feel?" Dr Martens asked. They would meet up every time Norah was in the city just to talk and make sure nothing was going wrong.

"I feel really good, most of the days it starts to feel normal again. I don't have to think about what to eat, it just happens automatically now. I'm happy to be racing and I feel stronger when I race and just overall better. I'm happy in my body and I'm just happy."

"That is wonderful to hear Norah. We also feel really good about the changes you have done over the last months and that it also works now with the racing season ongoing. We do have a few changes to your case, you will still be on the eating schedule and we will keep contact with Adam. But we have also heard from him that your old routine of running the race tracks every weekend and that you have done it for many years, not just now when you got sick. Is that right?"

"Yes I've done it since forever, the problem was that it got out of hand. I've always loved to run, but instead of one or two laps it got up to seven or eight. Or until the track closed."

"Right, well we want to give you that liberty again with Adam's supervision. So from the next race you can run one round after you have done the track walk. And like I've said before you are now allowed to walk on the track walk if you want to."

"That sounds fantastic, thank you."

"No Norah, thank yourself. You have been an absolute fighter through all of this. And we're always happy to help." Norah walked out from the clinic with a smile, she felt good. She was on the right path again and she felt grateful. 

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