Monaco - After Party

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After the interviews Norah got back to the garage and she could finally change. Since the rain she was able to have shots on along with a black shirt. In the garage one of the TV's showed the Indycar race, her friend Marcus Eriksson was so close to winning. Her eyes were stuck to the TV, Adam tried to talk to her.

"Shut up I'm watching, Marcus is almost winning!" Adam took a step back and stayed quiet. Norah kept watching as Marcus overtook the leading car, only one lap left. Through every corner Norah tensed up, the red car got to the straight and crossed the finish line. Norah jumped in excitement.

"Yes! He won, two Swedish wins in one day. That is not something you see everyday." Norah smiled and looked at the TV again. Adam and Norah talked for a bit, debriefing the day until Norah realised she was late. She only had one hour until she would meet Pierre for dinner. She took her things and her trophy and made her way back to the hotel. Many people took pictures of Norah holding her trophy like a bag when she walked out of the paddock.

"I'm sorry I only had like one hour to get ready, it's a busy life being a GP winner Pierre." Norah said in a sassy tone to her phone, she was running late for their dinner. Pierre was already waiting. Thankfully Monaco was small so it only took Norah about five minutes to get from her hotel to the restaurant, inside Pierre was already at the table.

"Désolé" She excused herself when she got to the table. Pierre stood up and hugged her.

"Pas de problème, what a drive you did today! I'm proud." Pierre said when they both sat down.

"Ah thanks dad" Norah commented, the pair ordered their food and drinks then started to talk about everything.

"Did you talk to Charles after the race, he can't be happy." Norah asked, sipping on her drink.

"No i didn't get the chance, he's with Charlotte he'll be fine. You know how he is."

"Oh I know" Norah chuckled. The pair enjoyed their dinner together, Norah and Pierre had always been good friends, ever since they got to know each other. Through all of the drama Pierre didn't choose Charles och Norah's side, he was friends with both of them and he was and still is one of the people Norah trusts the most. They were always friends, best friends and nothing more although there was suspicion from people around them. 

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