Flashback - May 2013

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"I'm leaving!" 13 year old Norah shouted through the house.

"Where are you going?" Her dad came into the same room

"I told you David is picking me up to drive me to Milton keynes, I have a meeting with Red Bull and if it goes well i will get a contract with them!"

"What about your four horses? And work you always work on saturdays"

"Not this Saturday as I planned weeks ago, I will take the horses tonight. I'll only be away for a few hours."

"No Alice you have to be more clear about your plans, you can't just go now we need you at the stable to arrange for the next week" Him using Norah's real name didn't make the situation better.

"My name is Norah and I shouldn't be responsible for your business, this is what you wanted right! That is why you left mom in Sweden. This is your dream not mine so go and live yours while I go and try to make mine possible!!" Norah was now shouting, pointing to the door where David probably was waiting.

"Norah you have to realise what is right in front of you, this whole life that you have here! You don't want to lose that do you?"

"I'll do what it takes to become a racing driver. And this whole life?! It's your life!! I didn't choose this, you did!!"

"Fine go down that road but if you walk out that door I know where your priorities lie."

"Can't you just let me live my life for once, i don't have the same dreams as you do deal with it!!"

"Fine, I'll sell Montgomery and Makkelijke then! Don't you love them?"

"Montgomery is my horse dad you can't sell him and if you do I'll call the police on you and Makk? You'll never sell that horse no matter how hard you try!"

"I just want you to realise that you can't live two lives at the same time, I know how much time it takes to even come close to F1. My parents made that very clear. You can't do that and have four beautiful show jumping horses waiting for you at home!"

"Watch me." Norah finished the dialogue and walked out of the house, and David was waiting for her.

"Norah let's go! Are you excited?" David said happily

"Let's just go," She said while getting in the car.

The pair discussed the dialogue between Norah and Scott but came to the conclusion to just forget about it for now and get ready for the meeting with Helmut Marco and Christian Horner. They discussed what to talk about and her ambitions for the future, it was a hard sell already considering she was a girl in a male dominated sport but they both believed she could do it.

"I'm home!!" Norah shouted when she came back home. A smile on her face. She walked into the dining room to see her family eating dinner, she sat down and joined the conversation.

"I'm just saying we need to take another step to make this business more professional" Scot was tense.

"Sell more horses." Norah said simply

"What horses Norah? What horse can we sell right now?"

"I don't know, i just gave you and idea"

"What a revolutionary idea I hadn't thought of before!"

"just saying"

"Yeah you are always just saying, you need to think too!"

"Well that is also a revolutionary idea, I haven't thought of that. Have you Matt?" Norah looked at her brother who just tried to stay out of this conversation.

"just get a sponsor, like me"

"Who would sponsor you?"

"Well from today I am a part of red bull academy" Norah looked at her father with a small smile. Matt and Laura got excited, her father sinked down in his chair. Disappointed in himself and his business, jealous of his own daughter and her success.

After dinner Norah went to the stable just like she said she would, and took care of her four horses. She had a plan that nobody knew about, sure it would seem heartless from one perspective to sell horses just to get money for racing but Norah knew she needed the money if she wanted her dream to come true. And listening to her own advice to her dad, maybe it would be a good idea to get some sponsors. 

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