Later in the day

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Norah was invited to Marcus and Clement's hotel room for dinner and to hang out. They all decided it was best to just hang out and have fun.. While sober. Norah walked again on the beautiful streets of Monaco and while she was walking she got a phone call from Charlotte.

Hiya Darling, how is everything?

Well the day has been filled with "forgive me, please forgive me" Crying and more "Please forgive me" so not terrible but not the way i wanted the day to go.

At least he's sorry but I totally get that you need more time to forgive him.

Yeah, I think I just need time. Of course I still love him but he has just never done anything like that before.

And he should totally understand that you'll need time.


Where are you now? Are you staying with him tonight?

No, I'm at a friend's house. I think it's good for him to realise that this is serious and i'm not just gonna jump back in pretending nothing happened.

That is really good, you're so smart.

Norah kept walking into the other hotel and up to the room, still talking with Charlotte. When Marcus opened she just waved and walked in.

He said that i was the love of his life

No! What? That is the last thing you'd say during a fight.

Her response caught the attention of everybody, she waved and walked out to the balcony so she wouldn't be annoying.

Well what did you say back?

I was busy arguing with him so i said it didn't matter but it does right? I don't even know if he was serious but if he was then.. I don't know.

You don't have to know darling, focus on just getting past this first and then you can work on that later.

Yeah you're right. I just miss him, I just want this to be over.

I know but you'll thank yourself for doing this later, he has to understand that he isn't the only one in this relationship.

That's true, okay thank you for talking.

Anytime Char, see you


Norah ended the call and walked back into the hotel room, all eyes on her.

"God do all of you have to stare?It was an important call" She sat down on the sofa.

"Charlotte? Was it about yesterday?" Mick asked.

"Yeah." Norah sighed.

"What is all that about, it's been all over social media today."

"Chaos, just Chaos. Can we please talk about something different, it feels like I am a part of their relationship." The group laughed and then started to talk about something else, mostly about the night before.

"My favourite part was when Norah danced with that random guy." Norah caught up with Logans' sentence, her eyebrows furrowed.

"What guy? I only danced with you guys." She said, choked.

"Us and him" Mick showed her a picture of her dancing with this random guy. She couldn't recognise him.

"Oh my god, I have no recollection of this. When?"

"I don't know you just disappeared from the dancefloor and when we looked around you were dancing with him." Everyone started laughing and Norah shook her head.

"I liked when you danced on the table"

"What table?! Okay did any of you put something in my drink to not remember last night?"

"No, don't you remember, they played your favourite song and there was an empty table. You jumped on and started to dance, there was a big crowd around you." Slowly the memories got back to Norah.

"Ohhh, yeah that was fun!" Now everybody laughed. After a while room service was called. When eating dinner Clement remembered the conversation Norah had with Mick this morning.

"Norah, what's this about you competing in the GLC, what was it called?" Clement tried to remember the name. She chuckled.

"The GCL you mean? It's the Longines Global Champions Tour, the biggest competition for showjumpers. Just like us they travel the world to compete and one of the teams invited me to St Tropez next week to be their U25. I couldn't say no"

"That's so cool, the era of horses and showjumping seems so cool." Clement fantasised.

"Well, do you want to come? I have tickets over." All eyes landed on Norah again.

"Uh yeah i'll come!" Clement raised his hand, and a few others nodded.

"Great, me and Mick leave tomorrow morning but you can easily book a train or something." The rest of the evening was spent booking hotel and train rides for everyone, then it was settled. Mick and Norah would be joined by Clement, Marcus, Dennis and Theo. 

Woman in a man's worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora