Friday - Silverstone

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"My only condition is that I keep racing. Otherwise do whatever is necessary." Norah was again sat with Adam, Christian and David in one of the meeting rooms along with a few doctors.

"I'm not sure we can fulfil that condition Norah, maybe for now but if you were to get worse we can't allow that." Dr Martens said.

"Okay well i won't get worse."

"Norah again we can't base everything on a promise. This is a serious matter." Christian looked serious at her.

"Yeah and for all I know you have known this longer than I have, I didn't even find out 24 hours ago. This is a lot to process for me too, I don't even know how I started this in the first place." She replied.

"Well that is why we need time to go through and process how this happened, You know we only want to help you right?" Adam looked at Norah.

"Norah look at me, this is horrible with everything that has happened the last year and you are so strong to still be here and fighting for wins. You are incredible! But right now this is a bigger fight that you need to focus on and everybody in here is willing to help you, but that also means that you need to help us understand how this happened." David looked at his Niece, still no clear look on her face but it was definitely not a happy one.

"I know one thing about this whole situation, and that is since this season started, when I was racing. Away from everything else. Those were the times I was happy, If you take that away? I have no reason to fight. And I know this sport you can't just have an open spot for me and wait until I get better, you'll get somebody else to take my place and I will be left with nothing. I need this life, you can't take this away from me." Norah made sure everybody understood.

"We'll do this as a start then, the second you are not on a track racing, you will stay at the clinic. We'll work together to get you back on the right road and you can keep racing. But if your case gets worse you have to stop racing. That gives you the motivation to keep racing and also to get better so that you won't have to stop. Can we all agree on that as a start?" Dr Martens asked everybody, they all came to an agreement and signed a contract. David read every point to Norah to make sure she understood it all.

"I still can't believe it sometimes, you can speak six languages but reading English? Impossible" Norah gave Adam a look and everybody laughed, the atmosphere got a bit lighter.

After Norah signed she had a talk with David, he reassured her that everything would be alright. The journey would not be easy but Norah never liked easy, However after the year she had for once she hoped things would go her way. 

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