First race of the 2022 season - Bahrain

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First race of the 2022 season - Bahrain

F1 was back, with a whole bunch of new regulations. None of the teams were sure hoe their car would be, like it has always been but this time tension was between the teams. Especially Red Bull and Mercedes. The past season those teams ruled the championship, but only one can win. With the talent in Max Verstappen the team had their full belief that he could win the championship, their other driver Norah Wellington Knight had other battles to fight. Mercedes had their faith in Lewis Hamilton, the seven time world champion who had dominated the track for the last few years and had a good fight with Max over the championship. Now all of the points were down to zero, everything was reset. Red bull racing had planned a meeting with the key people to plan out the season.

"I think we all know that last year was a close battle, this year we want to do everything we can to get one step ahead of the other teams. Now we can't say too much before we know how the car is on Sunday but we know that it is going to be fast. We just have to make sure everybody in the team knows their spot and the best way to do things." Horner said, looking at everybody in the room. People nodding their heads in agreement.

"I personally think this car is lovely, every test drive has been really good." Max said.

"Yes but we still need improvement, maybe the car is good but we firstly want you both to be at the same level, which you weren't last year." Adrian Newey said.

"Yeah and you know damn well why, I'm sorry that I got sick last year and couldn't perform the way you wanted. I will make it up to you."

"No, that is now what this is about, we're happy about your performance last year and we believe that you can perform better this year as you have improved your health a lot compared to last year." Christian pointed.

"But yes we know what you are capable of and we want to see that racing from you, which is why we didn't let you go last year. We know that you can be as fast as Max, or even fast. We do want to see that this year, but of course both of your mental and physical health comes before the result." Christian continued, pointing between the drivers. The meeting kept going, talking about strategy and preparing for the weekend.

Norah was with Adam in the Red bull garage looking at different statistics over all of the cars from testing. Red bull was fastest, she wished that they could keep that pace during the race.

"Norah! Come over here for a minute will you?" Christian asked from another part of the garage, he was with five other guys. The Red bull racing academy boys from F2.

"Hey, what's up?" Norah walked over happily.

"Nothing, I just wanted you to meet the F2 red bull academy racers! Dennis Hauger, Jehan Daruvala, Liam Lawson, Juri Vips and Ayumu Iwasa." He pointed to the boys, they looked awfully happy to be in an F1 garage. Norah greeted them all.

"Hey, how're you doing?" She greeted Jehan.

"All good?" She said to Liam, she knew him from before.

"Hey Vips."

"Fellow scandinavian" She saluted to Dennis, his grin getting bigger.

"Hey, all good?" The younger boys answered back to her greetings. A few of them are trying to act cool through the process, others just being really happy. They all had some small talk, she answered a few questions too. Then it hit her, wasn't it Dennis' birthday a few days ago? She must've heard it from Mick.

"Hey Norway, wasn't it your birthday a few days ago."

"Yeah it was." He answered shyly, looking at the girl.

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