Flashback - After Silverstone

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"I have to tell you something Dennis, not many people know this about me but i want you to know so that there isn't any confusion." He sat down on the sofa in the little apartment, Norah was nervous.

"What is it?" He said with a nervous tone, Norah swallowed and looked at him.

"I can't have kids... I'm infertile" She said and kept looking at him, he eased a bit and smiled at Norah.

"It's okay.. Come on, I'm still a kid and I'm not planning on having any time soon." She eased too and let out a breath, she took his hand and looked at him again.

"Okay, i just wanted you to know because it has been a big deal before in other relationships so.."

"What? What idiot would make a deal out of that. It's not something you can change. If you want to tell me more you can." She smiled at him and decided to tell the whole story.

"When I was really young my parents lost me at a park in Sweden, this older man took me to another part of the park and... he raped me. Now I know that this is horrible but don't feel too bad, I was really young and I don't remember it. However, it turns out he had a venereal disease that I caught and the only solution to that was to take away my reproductive organs." She ended with a small smile, Dennis looked absolutely discussed and he held her hands.

"I don't even know what to say, I'm so sorry."

"No, don't be sorry, it's just how it is." She looked at him with a smile, he lightly smiled back.

"I know but that shouldn't have happened, It's okay to feel disgusted about it Norah. That man took away a big thing from you." He looked seriously at Norah who now also felt disgusted, she hadn't thought about this in this way before. She had always accepted this but now she started to feel like something really was taken away from her. She looked down at their holding hands and then she looked up at Dennis, a tear falling from her eye. He embraced her in a hug, Norah kept crying. One part felt relieved that she had told Dennis, another felt angry and discussed the fact that this happened. But she was happy Dennis accepted her for it. 

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