December 7 - Williams HQ

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After the 2018 season Williams were already getting ready for the next, inviting the whole team over for a team dinner. The two new rookie drivers were also invited, Norah and George Russel. The whole team talked through the 2018 season and what they should do for the next to get better. The new drivers got along well with the team and were grateful for the opportunity they have gotten. After a few people had made some small speachess Norah decided that she should say something too.

"So I haven't prepared a speech or anything, but I just wanted to thank Claire and Frank for giving me this opportunity to join this wonderful team. Everybody here seems so nice and I'm looking forward to working with all of you as well. I know this sport comes with a lot of pressure and Williams isn't what it used to be but I really hope that me and George can help this team get back into the points and podiums. Thank you again for this amazing opportunity and let's all make the next season a good one!" I finished my little speech and walked back to my table while everybody applauded.

The night went on with long talks and tasty food. After the dinner Norah and George got shown around the HQ, after that everybody said goodbye and wished each other a happy winter break.

The rest of the winter break went by fast. Norah got to spend some time at home with her dad, her step mother, brother, her horses and the family dog. On Christmas day Norah and Lando went on their yearly Christmas ride, something they had done since they were young. A slow ride in the white silent forest was the highlight for winter for them both, riding through the forest for a good 40 minutes got them to the Silverstone track, a place that stood them both very close to their heart. It looked nothing like it did in the summer but just seeing the track filled them both with happiness. When they got close to the stable again they had a nice canter through one of the fields, on the other side was Norah's step mum Laura who filmed them both. getting to the house afterwards and having hot chocolate in front of the fireplace, discussing the upcoming F1 season, where they would both be competing against each other again. 

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