Before Brazil GP - London

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"I have good news! She has started to eat three meals every day." Adam said, walking into Christains office.

"Oh that is fantastic, finally!" Christian said. 

"Yeah it's really good, they haven't had a problem with anything for a while now. I hope she is on her way back."

"Yeah, should we book that meeting they wanted to have? Where we plan what she does on the break."

"Yes but I have more good news, she can start to do things now. They don't need her to be in treatment 100%, I'll pick her up later and see what she wants to do." Adam added. 

"Now that is really fantastic, but can you book that meeting? It's a lot here." Adam nodded and walked back to his office, after he booked the meeting and finished his day he went to Norah to see what she wanted to do.

"Well where do you want to go?" Adam asked excitingly.

"Home." Norah almost had tears in her eyes, the two went out to Adams car and got on the road to Wellington Horses.

Stepping out of the car, Norah took in the cold but familiar breeze. Her eyes were locked on the stables, the place where she grew up but hadn't been at since May this year. She missed the smell, the warmth in the stable room, the sound of horse walking in the yard, the feeling of a horse's fur and also her family and friends. The two walked past the big stable and into a smaller stable with only four boxes.

"All of these are mine, I brought them up and trained them myself." She said to Adam, she got into the first stable to the left. A Gray little horse was sleeping in it but when the door opened the low head got high in the sky. The horse walked to the door where Norah was, His head bumped her and she started to pet his forehead and hugged his head.

"Who's this one?" Adam had heard everything about Norah showjumping life, but never seen any of the horses in real life.

"Monty, Montgomery. My star, we've done everything together. He is the most talented, stupid but caring horse I've ever seen." Adam got to pet him on the nose before Norah introduced him to all of the other horses.

"No Touch, Buttons I like to call him. Took me over five years to find them all on him, he's fantastic when he puts his mind on the right things. He is a favourite among the boys, Mick adores him."

"Valiant, Val. He is bouncy and like Buttons likes to focus on everything else than the assignment. Jumps fantastic though and he's big, i like that"

"Splash Dance of just Splash. My other star horse, she is an unlucky girl. Has been injured a lot recently but she should be back soon." Norah had one more request, they walked to the field beside her stable. It looked empty but after Norah whistled a tone a big brown horse made his way to them.

"Makk, The horse that started it all. What more could you ask for in a horse. Old grandpa here used to compete and win everything with my dad, and after my dad with Matt and then with me. He means the world to my family." She looked mesmerised at the horse, he didn't look like a sports horse. He was fluffy, round and very calm but from what Adam has heard this horse was a legend. And he was nice enough so that Lando and Pierre could ride him. 

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